I'm trying to continue a game I started last night, but I can't because when I try to load the mods, the loading pauses for several minutes when it hits the "gravedigger" skill. If/when it finally loads beyond that and the 'loading mods' message goes away, I get an error trying to load my save game because the mod loader has missed loading one (well at least one) mod, "Eggles" I double-checked, and I am still subscribed to it, but it just doesn't load.
I've received a message of the Eggles mod author having the same problem himself, he mentioned there was a major bug inside it. He's fixing it as soon as he manages to load the mod himself. Seems that's where your problem is coming from, anyway, not the loader. As for gravedigger, I'm not sure but isn't that one of the ancient ones that were never updated? It might have some compatibility issues with the recent versions?
The problem I was having seems to have gone away as of last night. I'm guessing that the problem was with the Eggles mod, and it's been fixed.