Please for the love of our carpal tunnels add a way to separate more than one item per click!

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Aegho, May 28, 2012.

  1. SilvasRuin

    SilvasRuin Member

    I'd include that under "move specific amounts of items." I just focused on stack splitting because I'm assuming it's simpler to do. Specific amounts would be preferable.
  2. Wootah

    Wootah Member

    Playing lots and lots of minecraft. Stack splitting + being able to move individual pieces is much easier and faster than having a separate dialogue box (or whatever you call it) pop up. You can get just about any number combination fairly quickly.
  3. Teslacrashed

    Teslacrashed Member

    I want to throw in a vote for a menu option of "never use lockpicks for doors". Chest are always more important.