
Discussion in 'Bugs' started by Snicker, Jul 19, 2011.

  1. Snicker

    Snicker Member

    There are, of course, numerous issues with traps, and I know you guys are still testing others for implementation, but here's a few you can probably just fix in the XML files:
    1) None of the traps that say they last for more than one hit actually do. They all appear to be set to trigger once only, despite the descriptions that indicate otherwise.
    2) Most of the level 3 traps do not have prices consistent with their level. eg, Rough Blade Trap (level 3) is worth base of 50, but Crude Blade (level 1) is worth base of 150. You probably meant to put a '2' in front of that for Acid Sprayer Mine, Tesla Mine and Rough Blade Mine.
    3) Magic Gargoyle Bolter (level 5) is using the same effect as the Gargoyle Arrow (level 1), according to the XML file. Dunno if you have a level multiplier associated with the damage. If you do... OMG some of those higher level traps might destroy the universe.
    4) Acidic Rhizome Trap appears to be less damaging than intended (missing the "ground puddle" effect?)
    5) Slime Burst trap is similarly weak compared to earlier traps.
    6) Glacial Burst and Rockburst are using the exact same spell effect. Even with a level multiplier, I doubt that's what you wanted.
    7) Brimstone Cloudburster Mine appears to be using the wrong effect (Weak Poison Cloud?)
  2. zaratustra

    zaratustra Member

    Glacial Burst Trap still has not been fixed.
  3. Daynab

    Daynab Community Moderator Staff Member

    David just fixed the Glacial Burst thing.