Finally finished the game, clearing everything (quests, ubers no skipping mobs) 1,070,220 points Ended Level 24, couldn't figure out how to take screenshots, played a game or two in 1.02 on moderation then went to rogue until I won. Over all my games, dreadmor crashed only once (1.02). My build was Swords (maxed) Dual wield (2 skills in) Dodge (maxed) Perception (maxed) Flesh-Shaping (maxed last) Burglary (maxed) Archaeology (maxed) Pretty straightforward play, went to the heal in flesh, then spammed 'this translation...' every time it came up once I had the skill points. Put all my 'krongs' into my 2 rings and necklace, had pretty bad luck until d4 then all the way to the end I had nearly 90% 'pleased' rate. Focused my re-rolls on Mana regen (until i hit 9) then armor absorb and counter. Didn't get vanish or lockup until d7/8. My main stats at the end (with skill-buffs up) were 100hp 81 mana 25 armour absorb 47 counter 29 block 37 dodge 52 to-hit 75 stealth 13 trap sight 15 trap affin 7 +sight range 27 critical 10 mana regen (for spamming flesh-heal) 4 life regen My resists were terrible, Melee was doing about Mid-100's in dmg Arch diggles and Monstrous masks were the scariest, I didn't realize how nice vanish was (didn't get it till lvl 19) until late in the game. Had around 170k gold and 4 sword arti's i wasn't using in my bags that were 30+ dmg each, nearly every arti I found near the end was a sword. On the last level I stopped selling items and held on to valuable items (not sure if it affects score) I opened every uber chest except 1 on the very last level, hit every switch multiple times just couldn't get it to open. Did all the quests. SPOILERS TO FOLLOW Dungeons level 9 was a joke after 7/8 being so hard. No corruption or dots, the enemies were very easy. D10 blobs i spammed lockup and dotted/plinked with range. I used vanish alot to escape from arch diggles when they crit in the 50s. Dreadmor himself was a joke... he dimmed me a couple times, corrupted me twice and then was dead. EDIT: There were two monster zoo's I cleared on D10 that were much much much harder than dreadmor himself
Dual wield passives are glitched but you can dual wield same types now and get proper tree bonus's twice. I took dual swords for the counter attack bonus's Perceptions 4th ability is pretty overpowered 50 turn duration 99 cd means its pretty much always up when you need it
i had oodles of food, fleshsmithing made food nearly unneeded, especially after I picked up vanish around lvl 19. Once I hit 8 mana regen around lvl 12 it was just a matter of Knightjumping away and fleshmending whenenver I was especially low on hp, but I rarely took dmg, I had near 50 counter attack and was doing 100 + dmg a hit and oneshotting most things, I very rarely took melee dmg with block/evasion/counterattack and 25 dmg absorb. Arch Diggles hurt, but generally only when they countered my hit