[BUG] - Can't publish to Steam Workshop

Discussion in 'Bugs' started by Gavin Koh, Jun 14, 2012.

  1. Gavin Koh

    Gavin Koh Member

    In Publisher mode, the Mod Loader loads but it keeps saying Downloading Subscriptions forever on the bottom right.

    In Debug Flag mode, it says "download (541803706171820423)" forever and ever!

    What can I do?
  2. lccorp2

    lccorp2 Member

    You exited the mod loader too early after uploading and incomplete info was uploaded to steam.

    Delete the offending mod and reupload.
  3. Gavin Koh

    Gavin Koh Member

    Yup, something like that, but even deleting the entire mod (or DoD folder) didn't work for me... I couldn't reach the point in the code that allowed me to reupload.

    Solution was to use the switch -nukesteamcloud.
  4. Aresius

    Aresius Member


    I'm having a similar problem: my mod failed to upload (check your internet connection),
    and now I can neither download it, nor update it. I did not exit the publisher too early,
    but steam cloud says it's 0.108 MB when it's 0.120 in reality.
    When I launch with -debug-flag, it shows that it's continuously trying to download it over and over again.

    Is there a way to fix it?
    THIS is my mod and HERE is the .zip file

  5. Daynab

    Daynab Community Moderator Staff Member

    Delete it from the "subscribe" folder, open the game with the -nukesteamcloud parameter, leave the game, if you were subscribed to it, unsubscribe. Open it back again with -publisher.

    That should work.
  6. Aresius

    Aresius Member

    Thanks for the quick response!

    I just tried it but it sadly didn't work. Panicking while trying every possible permutation of -nukesteamcloud, -publisher and deleting everything from my PC didn't work either. It still hangs on "Downloading subscriptions" even though I'm not subscribed to anything.
    The one in my published folder keeps getting updated though. (And it is the correct file by the way.)

    Is there a way to solve this problem besides deleting the whole thing and reuploading it again?

    This is what I get if I launch it with -debug-flag -publisher:
  7. Daynab

    Daynab Community Moderator Staff Member

    Strange. It worked for Gavin Koh so I'm not sure why it wouldn't work for you. Were you trying with running the game through Steam or through the exe? if you were through Steam try through the exe without having Steam open.
  8. Aresius

    Aresius Member

    I ran it through steam. If I start it without steam, nothing happens. (Steam cloud doesn't get nuked, and I get an error message if I try to open the publisher.)

    Same thing (nothing) happens if I have the steam client running but I run it through the exe.
  9. Daynab

    Daynab Community Moderator Staff Member

    Okay the only difference that I can see with Gavin Koh is that he deleted the whole contents of the documents dungeons of dredmor folder. Can you try this? Delete, nukesteamcloud, then publisher.
  10. Aresius

    Aresius Member

    Nothing. I tried reinstalling the game before, cleaning up everything manually, but nothing happens. When I start the game with -debug-flag -nukesteamcloud, it immediately starts downloading the mod and is failing at it.

    ad: same thing if I interrupt the downloading process (start the game) before it could do anything (so only the config.xml file gets created in the DoD folder), it just starts downloading again when I run it with -publisher
  11. Daynab

    Daynab Community Moderator Staff Member

    Okay, I'll poke the devs, will get back to you.
  12. Aresius

    Aresius Member

    Thank you very much!
    Upload failed a few times before, but this has never happened before. (Also, this is the second time it happens today, the other one was the private beta, but deleting that was no big deal)

    edit: tried doing this on a virtual machine, still nothing.
  13. Aresius

    Aresius Member


    Alden from Valve contacted me yesterday, and - even though he didn't say anything yet - my mod is back online.

    Thank you for your help!
  14. Aresius

    Aresius Member

    Hello again!

    Sorry for replying to this instead of editing, but it looks like the problem has been solved.
    I reinstalled my OS (win 7 x64) a few hours ago, and now I seem to be able to publish and update again.
    I deleted and reinstalled Dredmor a few times, but I didn't think about reinstalling Steam. (If that would've worked at all.)

    Thanks for the support,