Windows Vista/7 64-bit Tinkering skill not reflected in Character pane

Discussion in 'Bugs' started by DJSuptic, Jun 21, 2012.

  1. DJSuptic

    DJSuptic Member

    Didn't see this when searching for it in the forums, but it is a really minor issue.

    I take Tinkering at character creation, which gives me a Tinkering skill of 1. I can make items that require Tinkering 1, but my character pane still says Tinkering 0.

    Again, nothing major, but thought I'd throw that out, and my apologies if there's already an existing thread on this that my searches missed.

    I can upload a screen shot later if needed.
  2. Daynab

    Daynab Community Moderator Staff Member

    Tried to reproduce this on my version (exp3 beta) and don't get it, so if it's currently happening in game it appears to be fixed for the next version.
  3. DJSuptic

    DJSuptic Member

    I've run a couple more games and it hasn't happened again - it may have just been a one time glitch thing. If it happens again, I'll make sure to screen cap it - thanks for looking into it!