Hey there. I crafted a Clockwork Tesla Rod, took it to an Anvil to be enchanted and it got the Thaumite enchantment put on it. I've never run into that enchantment before, so perhaps I misunderstand what it was supposed to do. I expected it to occasionally infect my foes with thaumites, but it never did. I used it for 2 floors and as far as I could tell the on hit effect never happened. On the other hand, the effect that the rod came with (the stun) did proc fairly often.
Do enemies die in one hit often? I have no idea what the proc rate is for such things, but it does happen.
I have had it many patches ago and there were thaumites EVERYWHERE!. Haven't had it since so I don't know if it was changed (or broken)
Things (items, skill levels, ect) can only carry one proc a time. I'm pretty sure your stun proc is overriding the thaumite proc.
Thanks. That was probably what it was then. It would be nice if they didn't show up on the tooltip if they aren't going to work. Also I think it would be more interesting if procs could be overwritten by the Anvils, just to add that extra bob of randomness.