I've run into countless bugs regarding the pocket dimension, but it looks like most of them have already been noted. Just in case my freezing issue is different, here's my save game. This time it makes the game hang, when most of the other pocket dimension problems make the game quit, so I figured it might be worth checking out. Sometimes I can sort of attribute what causes the pocket dimension to crash the game to particular things I've done in game, but this time I have no idea what's causing it. Another save I had was so bad I had to delete it, which was extremely frustrating as I was doing really well with some of the new skills and it was very exciting. I went up a level and it reverted to my old items, and going back down a level or into the pocket dimension caused the game to crash. It was really frustrating. I hope these bugs are worked out soon, I haven't played the game in about a year and was excited to check out all the new content... but it's hardly playable due to the frequent crashing ( I don't remember any crashing when I played last year, and kind of miss the way promethean, archaeology and fungal arts used to work =/ ) Anyway, here it is. Hope it helps.