Balanced Mods?

Discussion in 'Modding' started by RKade8583, Aug 10, 2012.

  1. RKade8583

    RKade8583 Member

    What are the must-have mods that don't break the balance of the game?
  2. Alistaire

    Alistaire Member

    My fortune cookies mod. Durrr.
  3. Ruigi

    Ruigi Will Mod for Digglebucks

    Interior Dredmorating is the standard when it comes to open ended mods that dont radically alter the gameplay experience.

    The others, you'll just have to give them a try a decide for yourself whether you like them or not.
  4. Frelus

    Frelus Member

    Essence's Compleat Essential Skills and FaxPax are really well balanced, imho.
    The Druid mod seems well balanced, too, as is Radiant Wizard.
    Interior Dredmorating and Rogueish Renovations, two of the most liked mods here, too, of course.
    Swashbucklers seem balanced, too.
    The Black Stat Extender (which will, as I have read, be incorporated into the next patch) will make stats much easier to read when the "extender" becomes active due to too many damage types/resistances.
    Wind Magic, a displace-heavy skill.
    These are the ones that come to mind.
  5. RKade8583

    RKade8583 Member

    I'm grabbing some of these. Thanks for the suggestions. Keep 'em coming :)
  6. mutated

    mutated Member

    More Dred adds a bunch of items that are good for late-game alternate stuff. It hasn't been updated with any daggers or polearms so it might not be the best choice for now.

    Extra Potions is nice, it adds high-level potions and their corresponding Alchemy recipes that generally work better. I don't personally like the permanent-buff pills it adds, I commented those out, but they're balanced and whatever.

    Same thing with Sweet, Sweet Swag. It has some great options for food and drink... and a few that aren't as fun but overall it's balanced.
  7. RKade8583

    RKade8583 Member

    Neato. Thanks.
  8. The Horrid thing mod by Chiko. There was a lot of feedback on that, and Chiko's done a bang job acting on them. While i still feel it needs a bit more bang here, and a bit more scaling there, it's otherwise where I want to be. A must have if you are planning on playing a shape-shifting centric play style (it has it's own shapeshift, AND is designed to scale with werediggle).
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