Constand CTD whenever i enter pocket dimension since random crash

Discussion in 'Bugs' started by sockcake, Aug 14, 2012.

  1. sockcake

    sockcake Member

    ever since my game randomly crashed whenever i enter the pocket dimension the game crashes regardless of the save, i have tried hotfix 9 and 10 but i think i might not be using them (or installing?) them propely so if this is an error what the hotfixes can fix how exactly do i use them if not what do i do?

    i haven't acctualy bought conquest of the wizardlands DLC yet if that amkes a difference
  2. Daynab

    Daynab Community Moderator Staff Member

  3. sockcake

    sockcake Member

    ok i installed the hotfix but the pocket dimension just sends me to level three and if i then enter a second time the game still crashes to desktop immediatly with no error message