Monster Stats

Discussion in 'Modding' started by Rhadamante, Aug 16, 2012.

  1. Rhadamante

    Rhadamante Member

    Since I finished editing my Faux Diggle monster sprite, I wanted to test it in game and thus started the creation of a mod to add it. There doesn't seem to be a lot of information regarding how to add monsters though and one of the complicated things I noticed is the monster statistics.

    I mean, in the monDB.xml, it just says numFig = 3 for example, and with that we're supposed to calculate its stats. So my question is : does an easy way to calculate the stats from those numSomething exist ? Or will I have to use the OOo calc sheet I'm creating for that purpose ?

    Also, some of the stats have decimals, I guess the numbers aren't rounded but truncated. Can someone confirm please ?
  2. Kazeto

    Kazeto Member

  3. Rhadamante

    Rhadamante Member

    Thanks for the confirmation and as for the wiki link, I already checked it, I was just wondering if there was an easy way to get all of a monster's stats from the numFig/Wiz/Rog or if we had to do the calculations ourselves (laziness ftw).
  4. Kazeto

    Kazeto Member

    Here you go:
    The maximum calculated level here is level 20, but it's easy to get further without difficulty if you know what you are doing.
  5. Rhadamante

    Rhadamante Member

    Finally made a little OOo Calc sheet to calculate everything. It also conveniently allows you to specify what statistics you want and do all the work for you by giving you the lines of code you need to add to your monster statistics in monDB.xml.
    It looks like that :

    Simply unzip, and open in OOo Calc (should work in MS Excel too). The green cells are the one you have to modify, the other automatically updates their contents.
    If someone use it and/or spot an error, let me know.

    Attached Files: