Did you guys check it out? Besides a bunch of info we are treated to the trio's always funny shenanigans. I swear, I'd subscribe to a podcast or some other form of media with this bunch enrolling in conversation, ranting and friendly bickering; a documentary? I'd preorder the special edition. Their chemistry is pure comedy. Anyways, enjoy: http://www.pcgamer.com/2012/08/28/i...-mad-incredible-vision-for-clockwork-empires/
This is wonderful. Simply wonderful. I love giant posts here is one look out Spoiler Some of my reactions: Hell, it's about time. Brilliant. I'm curious, though. As much as I like shiny medals, I'm wondering if there's stuff you can unlock, or other advantages/options these prizes confer. I hope it works even if no one wants to hear what happened but me... This is the sort of thing that might reawaken flagging interest following one too many failures. Everybody's dead, Dave. Love it. This game has the potential to seriously depress me. MORE LAUDANUM Indeed. It's the little things that count. I wish more games would do this sort of thing. We need NetHacks! I want to see how these get made. ...No! I mean, is there a writer's office, or just some dudes who think they've got a bestseller on their hands? Are they all just imported? And does madness produce better writing? Hooray! Something for everyone. And multiple things for several people! Also, on the subject of systems optimization: Those poor bastards. It's hard enough to get all the numbers to line up when PLAYING a game, and these guys have to invent the numbers first. I love how this is the first thought upon discovering an active volcano. Everyone loves a good volcano. It's good to know we're all on the same page, here! "Gables on everything. Do it." Yes I am one of the customization people Now, this bit really worries me. I understand it, I just hope I can cope. That's a good thing. References can get old pretty quick. Good writing is always preferable. Yes, please. As long as the AI can handle everything. I've been burned before. I love this idea in theory, but it only works if the game doesn't force me into situations where I want to do stuff, but can only watch and wait. There's a time and place for both. There's only so much amazing content I can take in at one time, guys! The game's years away! Are you trying to kill me!? These guys have my dream job. Writing and conceptualization are my two main skills, but that's not enough to actually be successful- yet, somehow the Gaslamp Gang has turned this into mad profit$ and more importantly, happine$$ for themselves and others. I wish you all the best.
On the multi-core thing, that is getting more and more important as time goes on. CPU speed is no longer the race it once was. It is boiling down to shrinking the die and making more cores. The CPU of tomorrow will have more in common with the GPU of today than most people would expect in their wildest dreams. I for one applaud Gaslamp for seeing this clearly.
Maybe the Gaslamp crew have been hitting the laudanum too hard. Getting all of the cores to talk to each other sounds just as mad as aetherics. We have to keep the machine mind disjointed enough to keep it docile. Have we learned nothing from Sky Net?
I really enjoyed that interview. I hope we get more Clockwork Empires stuff in the near future. (and MOAR DREDMOR!!!)
They say that like they don't expect everyone to have already started their badger infestation time/cost spreadsheets. Inconceivable!
Well, not everyone does. Personally I like to optimize things if I can (oh, Space Chem, you are so killing me...) but I only do that after building some stuff and exploring some fun death. So yeah... Yes, we had. That automated combat units are not to be based on humans. And that additional resources (such as combat units) have to be assigned to important tasks (such as assassinations of future rebel leaders).
The thing is that if cores are talking to each other, they may come up with new man-killing strategies they otherwise wouldn't have thought about alone.
We should hook up GLG with IBM, they are specialists at doing man-killing computers that talk to people ... Spoiler: man-killing computer Well it certainly look the part.
I once asked an IBM salesperson if they intentionally made their servers look like coffins. He had some few choice words for me at that.