It would be nice if we could send items directly to the pocket dimension without actually having to warp to the pocket dimension (The items would spawn in the pocket dimension at some preset point, perhaps marked with a mystic symbol or object). We would be able to do this whenever we wanted to, but game balance would be preserved because we would still have to enter the pocket dimension to retrieve anything (Game convenience, however, would be greatly enhanced).
oh my god this is the best suggestion ever. maybe you could do something with autoloot to make this work.
What I want is the opposite - I want the game to consider everything in my crafting dimension to be in my inventory - for the purposes of crafting! Just leave all my raw materials there - and then when I want to craft just let me do it without warping back in, picking up items, crafting, putting things back down, etc. Give this some likes! My daughter has been asking me why the crafting dimension doesn't already work this way, and I haven't been able to think of a reason...
Interface-wise, dropping the item on the PD seems natural for this, though giving it a shortcut as well is better still... though the default should be something that isn't easily confused with the one for auto-skolling. Best also if stackable items auto-stack when Pocketed this way, I think.
Mr Strange: I think it was David who explained that one in a blog post -- you can theoretically solve any situation in the game by having the right item, hence the deliberately limited inventory space originally. Hence, to avoid the PD breaking this, it has a cooldown. I do agree though, it would be nice for PD items to be classed as in-inventory for crafting while you're IN the PD.
It could be integrated as an option in autoloot, but preferably it would also be possible with autoloot turned off, and would be able to turned off seperately from autoloot. Personally I don't want to be sending things off to other dimensions indiscriminately Maybe it could be activated manually by Ctrl+Clicking an item or something like that.
I totally agree with PD crafting items acting as if they're in your inventory when you're in PD. It's just annoying to have to put them into your inventory, craft, then put them back on the ground.
Or if you have a full inventory/or drop it onto PD icon, it could ask you if you want to send it to PD, but would cause a cooldown if accepted.
But you'd still be able to keep sending things there during the cooldown? Because that was my point; that You need to be able to continually send things off to the pocket dimension.
I don't see (at 4am after very little sleep this week) that it needs to invoke cooldown on dropping items into the PD, or block dropping while the cooldown's active -- all you gain is easily-freed inventory slots, which compared to some of the encrusting insanity going on doesn't seem as big an issue. Retrieving them for use or crafting though? Definitely needs cooldown, but simply making you have to go into the PD already handles this... and the PD-items-count-as-usable-for-crafting-if-you're-in-there-with-them part gives the required usability improvement.