OmniaNigrum Is the new name...

Discussion in 'Discussions' started by OmniaNigrum, Sep 10, 2012.

  1. OmniaNigrum

    OmniaNigrum Member

    I will spare you all the details of why this had to happen, but Gaslamp does not want to offend anyone, and this is the best that could be done to keep from offending one or more people.

    No, I have not been taken over by a 'Bot. Nor nuked for being too crazy. I am still me. Le t us just be happy at this. All my old posts already reflect this change. So no harm is done. BTW, Nicholas is charismatic and learned. He knows more about languages in general than I know about English. (Not that I could spell my own real name without spell-checking.)

    To whomever was offended by my old handle. I apologize. I simply do not understand what was wrong with it. But let us leave that behind us and try to be happy.

    Now it is high time I found some more humorous images for the funny pictures thread.
  2. Kazeto

    Kazeto Member

    Personally I think that people who get offended by someone's username without learning what was the reason behind that someone choosing that username are obstinate idiots and thus their opinions don't really matter.
    And with your name being changed to one that supposedly means the same thing (that is, assuming that it is supposed to be in Latin now) and is very similar to the last one, it is clear that it is some sort of censorship done not to fight with people who can't help but assume that everyone is trying to discriminate them for whatever reason. It is kind of stupid, really, especially seeing as it's people who scream "we are being discriminated because blah blah something" are usually the ones who discriminate people they are accusing of being discriminatory in their behaviour.

    But if you are okay with the change then there's no reason to wage war about that, so I will stop there.

    Either way, I will refer to you by your old username, whether it's the shorter "Omni" or the longer version. And if anyone has any self-inflicted problems with that, I see nothing against having a civil discussion in which they could try to convince me not to.
    TheJadedMieu and OmniaNigrum like this.
  3. Nicholas

    Nicholas Technology Director Staff Member

    We had a complaint, and I relayed it to Omni; Omni said something to the effect of, "Not this again! It's just Latin, and I'm not putting up with this." So... well, being a huge language nerd, I did some etymology.

    It turns out that 'negro' is not Latin, but rather a corruption of the Latin word 'nigrum' by Spanish and Portuguese slave traders from sometime between the 15th and 17th centuries; in this case, it was fairly emphatically used to refer to black slaves. It's also incorrect Latin; the correct Latin phrase that Omni wanted was "Omnia Nigrum" (literally All Black)

    When this was pointed out to Omni, he was quite contrite and apologetic. So we just corrected the Latin in his name to be grammatically correct, and everybody's happy.

    That said, everybody seems to just call him Omni anyway, so there you go. Maybe we should just have gone with that...?
  4. OmniaNigrum

    OmniaNigrum Member

    You could call me Sally and my attitude would demonstrate who I am in no time.

    Imagine logging ito the forums to find that in the last few hours you had 47 "Likes" by "Sally" and you do not even know Sally. You look at posts done by Sally, and it is apparent who "Sally" is. :D
    Turbo164 and Kazeto like this.
  5. Nicholas

    Nicholas Technology Director Staff Member

    There's a thought! Let me e-mail Derek again.
    Turbo164, Kazeto and OmniaNigrum like this.
  6. OmniaNigrum

    OmniaNigrum Member

    Oh hell. What has my big mouth done this time.... :D
    Essence likes this.
  7. Turbo164

    Turbo164 Member

    Yeah, you do all the talking but Sally gets all the blame :(
    OmniaNigrum likes this.
  8. OmniaNigrum

    OmniaNigrum Member

    You guys could have much more fun with this. Make a list. Every day, you could rename me and see how chaotic it gets.


    I could go on and on. But it is your call. Do what you want. I will still be here. :D
    Kazeto likes this.
  9. joe bones

    joe bones Member

    I has just assumed it was Spanish.
    Kazeto likes this.
  10. OmniaNigrum

    OmniaNigrum Member

    I thought my previous handle was direct Latin. Nicholas however knows better. (I dare not ask where he found the information he referenced, since I could not find it myself. But I was able to verify parts of what he said. He is right. My current handle translates to English meaning "All Black" (Nothing racial here.) My previous had been used heavily and is actually documented well enough to prove that it suggested "All Slave" or something similar if I understand correctly.

    So in effect, I got a more correct version of what I wanted, and the person or persons whom were offended got me to use the correct handle that no longer references slavery. (And since I was in fact wrong about the meaning, I apologized.) Win. Win. :D

    Go Nicholas!
    Kazeto likes this.
  11. DavidB1111

    DavidB1111 Member

    I was a bit surprised when I checked this forum and saw you with a funny name, but then I saw this thread. :p
    I'll probably still call you Omni.
    Omnia sounds like the female version of Omni anyway. :)
    Kazeto and OmniaNigrum like this.
  12. OmniaNigrum

    OmniaNigrum Member

    Over the Internet, you cannot verify my gender by any means I am aware of. The Internet allows for true gender equality. If I said I was a Woman, that is equally plausible than if I said I am a Man. :D

    But yeah, I will still answer to the old name. It is really just a change here. I have e-mail addresses and even my Steam account referring to OmniNegro. Perhaps if I was more learned in Latin that would not be the case. But I either did not listen while my brother learned Latin, or I was not told about the differences or the mistakes I made.

    I will still answer to OmniNegro, even though it was not what I thought it was. It has been two decades since I picked it, and for those who may contest this, please remember that if you scour every language and pronunciation of your own names, you are probably a blight to someone, somewhere. I intend no offense to anyone, but if this offends you then I would have to say you are now picking on me.

    Back to the subject, Omni in and of itself should not be capable of offending anyone besides a grammar nazi. (I am one at times too, so feel free to jestingly contest that detail here. I have a sense of humor most of the time, after all. I have a hairless cat named Piggy. (He was actually named Sunny by his former owner, and he is retarded. Not a jest. He is actually mentally retarded.)

    /Walloftextmode off :D
  13. Kazeto

    Kazeto Member

    Yeah, you would know about that issue, wouldn't you.

    It just sounded Latin-esque and you thought it meant what you wanted. A few of my friends had similar issues with their names so I know it's a pretty common thing (I think I'm one of only three people out of them all who actually is certain what the username I chose means when written in the language it originates from, while most of them just chose words that sounded well and were later pretty surprised when they found out what their usernames meant)
    TheJadedMieu and OmniaNigrum like this.
  14. OmniaNigrum

    OmniaNigrum Member

    Your signature says it all! :)

    In case anyone is wondering, I did ask that. I see the cute bunny/cat girl image and presumed he was a she. I was then promptly told he is more manly than a furry convention. :D
    TheJadedMieu and Kazeto like this.
  15. In my country, mentioning race is generally considered a social faux-pas(gratuitous use of french, dur hur hur) depending on what company you happen to be in, but that's about it. Admitedly, a few people may take offense to it, but that tends to be the minority. Generally speaking though, simply mentioning "race" via racial slurs and what not is not enough to get anybody riled up. However, push it as far as saying that X is better than Y, or that X is "bad" by virtue of being X, then you bring the whole house crashing down on you.
    As far as I am concerned, that's the point where anyone should care. It's only when i started playing on American servers that i found out just how offensive racial slurs could be to Americans. That's something that I personally cannot relate to. No matter what. Imo, treating almost every insulting word that has ever been used to describe X community, religion, or racial group as "taboo" only perpetuates the problem.
    Example: for me, a very juvenile teen calling someone else "gay" is not offensive because there is nothing wrong about being gay in the first place. Where you may think that you are standing up for the rights of homosexuals by taking up arms whenever someone does that, you are also, in doing this, implicitly accepting that there is something "not normal" about homosexuality as a sexual orientation. The line between "not normal" and therefore needs to be protected, and "not normal" and therefore needs to be mocked is very small, in my opinion.
    Therefore, while I applaud the reasoning and good intentions (linguistic or otherwise) that went into this name change, I would like to emphasize that I did not find the previous username to be out of place in any way, shape or form. And considering how long omni has been posting, relative to how many complaints there have been on the username, I am inclined to believe that people who take offence at the name are THAT vocal minority we should not be pandering to.

    That being said, it is still your choice to make, and while I may or may not agree with your reasons for making that choice, I will defend to the death your right to exercise it.

    Ahum. That came out way more serious that I intended it to be. Oh well. At least I picked up a few pointers on latin.
    OmniaNigrum and Kazeto like this.
  16. Mashirafen

    Mashirafen Member

    1545–55; < Spanish and Portuguese negro black < Latin nigrum, masculine accusative of niger black"

    Granted it doesn't say the same for omni - that is Latin, even if it was the incorrect form. I would've corrected it myself except I didn't actually realise it was meant to be Latin. :p
    OmniaNigrum likes this.
  17. OmniaNigrum

    OmniaNigrum Member

    You know, I have said the same exact things for ages now. (Paraphrased, and without the French.)

    Great minds think alike. I guess you must be crazy too. :D
    Kazeto likes this.
  18. Essence

    Essence Will Mod for Digglebucks

    I'm totally referring to you by this name forever now.
    OmniaNigrum, TheJadedMieu and Kazeto like this.
  19. Kazeto

    Kazeto Member

    I'll see for how long you manage to keep on doing that.
    OmniaNigrum likes this.