Windows Vista/7 64-bit Aluminum Tubes not correct output

Discussion in 'Bugs' started by DungeonDragon, Sep 25, 2012.

  1. DungeonDragon

    DungeonDragon Member

    There is a vanilla recipe

    <output skill="1" name="Aluminum Tube" amount="1" />
    <output skill="3" name="Aluminum Tube" amount="2" />
    <output skill="5" name="Aluminum Tube" amount="3" />
    <tool tag="tinkerer" />
    <input name="Aluminum Ingot" />

    However no matter what my Tinkering skill is, the output amount is ALWAYS 1 Aluminum Tube.

    I've tested it without mods and I think it maybe because Aluminum Tube is a weapon and weapons doesn't stack in DoD v1.1.2 anymore. I tested it in DoD v1.1.1(I have this old nonsteam disributive) and it is working because weapons could be stacked in this version.

    It's no big deal overall, but for crafters like me it is :)

    Maybe the easiest way to fix it, is to make Aluminum Tube an ingridient and not a weapon, because it's not much of weapon anyway.
    SkyMuffin and Bohandas like this.
  2. Kazeto

    Kazeto Member

    Yes, it is because of that. But you can just make it give you another item instead, one that would give you a few aluminium tubes via item-spawning triggers.
    Vitellozzo likes this.
  3. DungeonDragon

    DungeonDragon Member

    You mean like a potion or a food? Well I had to create a new item and I want to avoid adding new items just for couple of recipes.
  4. Vitellozzo

    Vitellozzo Member

    Small / medium / large aluminium tube stack
    <output skill="1" name="Small Aluminium Tube stack" amount="1" />
    <output skill="3" name="Medium Aluminium Tube stack" amount="1" />
    <output skill="5" name="Large Aluminium Tube stack" amount="1" />
    <tool tag="tinkerer" />
    <input name="Aluminum Ingot" />
    Each spawn a different number of aluminium tubes.
    You have to manually change the Aluminium Tube in the game itemDB, then. But this will not be a mod, but a core replacement.
  5. DungeonDragon

    DungeonDragon Member

    :D That's funny I've came up with the same idea. However I'm not sure if I should mess the dungeon with an item that only produce aluminum tubes.

    If only there was a flag to stop items from spawning.

    Btw ain't spawning several items from another item is the same as crafting. I mean Aluminum Tube is unstackable. Will a Medium Aluminum Tube Stack will produce 2 of them or only one again?
  6. Kazeto

    Kazeto Member

    Give it both "special" and "craftoutput" tags and it's going to spawn very rarely, if at all.

    If you make that item spawn "5 Aluminium Tubes", it likely won't work. But there's nothing saying that you can't make it spawn "1 Aluminium Tube" 5 times after one use.
  7. Bohandas

    Bohandas Member

    I would like to point out that even if there is a workaround this is still definitely a bug because part of the core game isn't working as it's supposed to.

    (also, the workaround is hella awkward)
  8. Kazeto

    Kazeto Member

    Well, the "workaround" in this case is better than the way it originally was, since the price for the possibility of getting multiple copies of one equippable item from one recipe was a nasty bug that caused some artefacts to stack, messing around with their bonuses.
  9. SkyMuffin

    SkyMuffin Member

    I've never understood why aluminum tubes are weapons either. I can only remember two instances in which I actually used them.

    As for the item workaround-- there are two lockpick mods that do this by giving you a potion. When you drink it, you poop out lockpicks.
    Vitellozzo likes this.
  10. DungeonDragon

    DungeonDragon Member

    Yeah I made a mushroom type lockpick case just for a change :)
  11. dbaumgart

    dbaumgart Art Director Staff Member

    Changing the item type from a weapon to a component would explode Dredmor save games so we're not doing it. A weapon it remains! And I shall fix the craftDB entry.
    Kazeto likes this.
  12. Bohandas

    Bohandas Member

    I still don't understand why the recipe can't output four separate (albeit identical), unstacked objects.

    Why do they need to be either individual or stacked?
  13. Kazeto

    Kazeto Member

    Because it can only give you one stack of things, and aluminium tube is a piece of equipment, and equipment doesn't stack.

    And because changing either of the above would require more effort than it is really worth.