Blizzard Phishing Scam

Discussion in 'Discussions' started by Haldurson, Nov 13, 2012.

  1. Haldurson

    Haldurson Member

    FYI: If you ever receive an unsolicited e-mail requesting that you click on a link within the e-mail to log into your account, do not do so. If you suspect the e-mail is genuine, always use your own trusted link to get to the website. One way that you can verify that it really is a scam is that if you put your cursor over the link (DO NOT CLICK ON IT) you'll see where the link actually points to.

    In any case, today I received an e-mail from Blizzard regarding a Diablo 3 account saying that I needed to log into my account or it would be deleted permanently (honestly, they could delete my account tomorrow and I wouldn't give a damn). Besides the bogus link, there were other signs that it was a scam, such as the very poor grammar used in the e-mail. The following is the text from the e-mail I received (I've omitted the actual link):
    I did some research and this is not the only variation of this e-mail that has been circulating regarding not only Diablo 3, but also WoW.

    I know that some of you play (or played) D3, so I figured that I'd give you all a heads-up. Don't fall for these kinds of scams. A lot of people do. Don't be one of them.
    Kazeto likes this.
  2. Wolg

    Wolg Member

    It always amuses me to get these for games I have never registered for...
  3. Haldurson

    Haldurson Member

    I'm never amused by these. Things like this make me angry . EVEN IF you believe that only feeble-minded would fall for something like this (and I believe almost anyone can, actually, when the scams get more sophisticated), then how depressing is it that people like this would try to steal from the feeble-minded. That makes things a whole lot worse, not better. As someone who's taking care of an elderly mother, who has the bad habit of clicking on links without thinking, even after I've warned her against that countless times, being easy to take advantage of does not pardon what these people are trying to do.

    So I don't find it amusing at all, which is why I always post things like this when I see them.

    /edit BTW, I recently had to sit down at my mom's laptop and found myself having to remove all sorts of Firefox add-ons that she had 'no idea' how they got installed. She had so many special 3rd-party toolbars installed in firefox, that they took up half the screen (no joke). And she claimed total ignorance about how they got there. She's clearly not a 'typical' user, but she's typical enough. Scammers scam because their scams work.
  4. OmniaNigrum

    OmniaNigrum Member

    There is no depth the scum will not sink to in order to get a confirmed e-mail address and other information to sell to the highest bidder.
  5. mining

    mining Member

  6. Loren

    Loren Member

    I mourn the computer in that second pic. It has BonziBuddy. :(
    Kazeto, SkyMuffin and OmniaNigrum like this.
  7. OmniaNigrum

    OmniaNigrum Member

    That is hideous. Kill it with fire!
  8. Warlock

    Warlock Member

    I've never been amused by this sort of thing myself, it really is sad when people go around doing this sort of thing. I haven't much else to add really since it's all been said here.
  9. Bohandas

    Bohandas Member

    These spammers are most certainly scum, but it occurs to me that it is debatable whether the are worse scum than the REAL Blizzard Entertainment Inc.
    Kazeto likes this.
  10. OmniaNigrum

    OmniaNigrum Member

    There is a difference?
    Kazeto likes this.
  11. Haldurson

    Haldurson Member

    Business people do what they do, and when they seem to lack any kind of moral compass, you need to push back, and you need to get others to push back as well. You can't do that with phishers and spammers because they are anonymous and very personal.

    There is a difference, because Blizzard has the light of day shining on them. They can't afford to go too far, because everything they do is scrutinized. They are not anonymous. That doesn't mean that they won't do something unethical or illegal, just that when they get caught at it, everyone knows.
    Kazeto and OmniaNigrum like this.
  12. Bohandas

    Bohandas Member

    The worst thing that they've done so far was done openly.
    OmniaNigrum likes this.
  13. Turbo164

    Turbo164 Member

    Well these might just be rumors started by haters trying to make Blizzard look worse, but there were a couple stories on the forums (that got deleted by the mods) relating stories like the following:

    Player: *browses RMAH* "Oh look, a decent item with only a few hours left, and current bid only 1 dollar! I'll probably get sniped by someone else but I'll go ahead and see if I can win that...after all the server might crash before anyone can outbid me ^_^"
    Player places 2 dollar bid
    RMAH: "Your bid for $149 has been placed."
    Player: "...WHAT?!? THE!?! EFF?!?!?"
    Player sends in support ticket.
    Player spends hours on hold with support.
    Player wins auction, because the item was not worth nearly $149 and thus no one tried to bid on it.
    Support: "Can I help you?"
    Player: "ASDF" *explains situation*
    Support: "Sorry all sales are final. Your best bet is to try to resell it and make your money back."
    Player: "...I'd have to list it for like $180 to get a refund with your 15% cut, and it's not even worth the $149 that you stole. And don't you guys ban people for "flipping" items like that?"


    There were also threads deleted with things like:
    -a guy with a degree in Economics explaining how things like Legendary Drop Rate changes would effect supply and demand, whether Gems were a good investment, inflation, liquidity etc.
    -a slow-motion video showing the hitboxes of monster attacks, such as Goatmen spears that *look* like they're the size of the player, but are actually over 8 yards long (recorded at multiple pings to show it wasn't just lag). Supposedly one of the programmers said that this was to purposefully make gear matter more than skill? You can't buy reflexes on the RMAH but you can buy more Resist All.

    Granted there are still a ton of generic "d3 sux" threads so it's not like they're deleting them all...but conspiracy theorists could just say that they leave the "whiny" ones to make the "haters" look bad, while deleting the threads with legitimate problems (as well as some that are just trying to be helpful...?). And the multiple RMAH theft stories as I said could have been fake.

    Anyway. The game is more enjoyable now than it was at release, but this experience has certainly killed my enthusiasm for future purchases :( Memories of SC1 in high school and WC3/D2 in college will have to stay happy memories.
    Kazeto and OmniaNigrum like this.
  14. ScytheKnight

    ScytheKnight Member

    Had something similar to this for a few months with Runescape... threatening to take me to court yadda, yadda, yadda...
    OmniaNigrum likes this.
  15. Cream Magneto

    Cream Magneto Member

    i would of cared for SC2 and D3 if they came out 10 years ago :p

    my strategy game of choice these days is dota 2,it costs nothing and is totally not pay 2 win,same with TF2 and CS.

    Valve > Blizzard
    OmniaNigrum likes this.