What's the worst build that you can come up with? You can throw away 3 skills by picking the supplementary magic skills without having any magic spells: 1. Blood Magic 2. Ley Walker 3. Magic Training So you're left with 4 'real' skills to pick. Here's mine: 4. Perception 5. Thrown Weapons 6. Master of Arms 7. Dead Shot
Not sure why you'd want to do that, but... You could take dual wielding without weapon skills, or with unarmed. Archery and throwing are pretty broken right now too, especially without tinkering. Vampirism without any melee skill.
I played a character with 7 Spell Casting skills and never put a single point in any skill or cast any spells. Basically a character with no abilities at all. I died 9 times until I could rush past monsters into a Brax room and steal a weapon. The character is still alive but only on level 3 of Going Rogue. Hard. As. Hell.
Ignoring bugs, I would say Dual/Vamp/Ley/Blood/Wand/Perc/Throw. Dual with no weapon, Vamp with no magic or survival boosts, Mana generating skills but no spells, Wand Affinity isn't worth a whole lot, Perception will help you avoid traps and hit a bit more often, but that's about it, and Throw doesn't do much in terms of added damage and even after returns are fixed returning next to nothing is still next to nothing.
@Kaoy Actually, they're increasing the recovery rate AND fixing it so it works. I also think they said they're adding more throwing crafting recipes in 1.04 as well.
As I said, I was ignoring bugs. Even with returns, there aren't any particularly good throwing weapons, especially if you aren't a Tinker.
Sword, Staff, Axe, Mace, Leylines, Magical Training, Perception A poorly build vamp could be worse though. Replace Magical Training with Vamp, perhaps (Magical Training would help vamp, leylines doesn't)
All a good vamp really needs is weapons, and Staffs are the number one choice. Multi-weapons doesn't really make a build bad, since usually any build has one or two auxiliary skills that just support a little bit, anyhow. Even if you stripped the game down to 5 skills, it would be perfectly beatable with most of the current builds people play, with a little triage.
I think the first one might be as bad as it gets. It's the only one with no damage, no stuns, and no means of escape. Crossbow might be slightly worst than Deadshot. Without tinker crossbow is completely useless. Plus the spell based arrows (squid, mass destruction) are unaffected by the 72% penalty anyway. I was thinking if shield bearer is worst than MoA since it's bugged, but then I remember it has a stun.
I vote for 1. Blood Magic 2. Ley Walker 3. Magic Training: 4. Perception 5. Thrown Weapons 6. Master of Arms 7. Duel wielding