Fan art for Clockwork empires.

Discussion in 'Clockwork Empires General' started by hihohe, Feb 25, 2013.

  1. hihohe

    hihohe Member

    I was feeling excited about this game, and when that happens I like to draw stuff. I was hoping some other people had art to put here. I'm gonna put some of my sketches here. I guess this guy is holding some sort of railroad spike launcher. Also mustaches. Because mustaches.

  2. hihohe

    hihohe Member

    Oh and another one
    Kazeto, Turbo164 and Daynab like this.
  3. Daynab

    Daynab Community Moderator Staff Member

    Nice work!
  4. hihohe

    hihohe Member

    If you guys got any requests I could do something maybe.

    Colonial Armoured Guard
    Kazeto, Turbo164 and Ruigi like this.
  5. Ruigi

    Ruigi Will Mod for Digglebucks

    The helmet needs more goggle eyes, emblems, and the pistol needs more brass and pistons, and the legs need more steampunky but aside from that I like where this is going.
  6. hihohe

    hihohe Member


    If you guys want me to draw what your overseer will look like, just reply with a description and ill try my best.
    Kazeto and Turbo164 like this.
  7. Ruigi

    Ruigi Will Mod for Digglebucks

    worker's overalls, muttonchops, brass goggles, hairy forearms, short sleeves, blueprints in hand or close by. pipe with smoke
  8. hihohe

    hihohe Member


    Ruigi is ready to ship out to the new land, little does he know that it hungers for the souls of the innocent.
    Kazeto, jadkni, Ruigi and 1 other person like this.