Day-To-Day Work Logs and Woot! Engine Stuff!

Discussion in 'Clockwork Empires General' started by Nicholas, Sep 19, 2012.

  1. Wootah

    Wootah Member

    Do items like cannons, steam suits, and wagons have durability? Can they be hurt. Will certain soldiers in the same group be able to use the steam suit better than others? Or more approrpiately, would some of them have ego's that develop from getting to use it a lot that might cause them to do unpredictable or brash things in combat? If the soldier piloting the steam suit in combat is killed, and the suit is by enemy combatants, does the assignment to that squad mean that the enemy cannot just confiscate the suit?
    Kazeto likes this.
  2. Imperial dane

    Imperial dane Member

    And how would you then arm the Suit ? Or would it just be one type of weapon equipped ?

    MOOMANiBE Ah, those were the days. Staff Member

    mining and Kazeto like this.
  4. SangerZonvolt

    SangerZonvolt Member

    Which brings me to a question: If they are able to eat berries that are already inside other people, how detailed does the game keep track of single objects? Would have expected that the berreis become abstract "food" the moment they are consumed. How does this work?

    Also: Will the trees simply disapear or will you add stumps later on?

    Finally: Is that severed head a grafic bug or are severed heads part of the game?
    Kazeto likes this.
  5. mining

    mining Member

    When you say "Suffers from the same problems as dredmor's spellDB.xml" I assume you mean that it suffers from "Can do almost anything provided you're willing to hentai the code enough."
    FaxCelestis, Ruigi and Kazeto like this.
  6. Kazeto

    Kazeto Member

    I can't say that with full certainty (seeing as I'm not one of their team), but I think they wanted to make it so that citizens would "use up" food they eat over time instead of it just being a simple "hunger" value, and equipping food to citizens' innards was easier than adding a bunch or parameters to the citizens (a simple pointer to something, or perhaps an array of pointers, versus a few arbitrary values which would make it more difficult to edit effects of food for future modders); because the game is still in development (well, duh) some things aren't yet checked and thus citizens being able to eat food equipped (either "held" or "consumed") by other citizens.

    That is my take on it, at the very least.

    No, it means "people having to resort to doing atrocious things to the code because of vital data hooks and data calls being hard-coded and thus not modifiable".

    That being said, it is almost the same thing, but from a different perspective and with somewhat different implications for the developers.
  7. Nicholas

    Nicholas Technology Director Staff Member

    No, nothing that complicated.

    Like in Dredmor, everybody has a concept of the current picked up item. At first, after eating the food, the food would stay in your hand forever; people would then go and attempt to eat the food that other people still had in their hands because the food was not getting deleted. Then, the model got deleted but not the food. Hence, you would have poets being chased around the world by squads of hungry people.

    Sort of irksome.
    Giygas, Daynab, Kazeto and 2 others like this.
  8. Wolg

    Wolg Member

    In case of no other food being available, eating the poets does sound like reasonable behaviour for the clockwork citizenry. The populace gets sustenance, the poet gets the invaluable career-enhancing trait of being dead. It's win-win.
    OddProphet and Kazeto like this.
  9. mailersmate

    mailersmate Member

    It looks like the core systems are very close to fairly acceptable state, which is cool. Hopefully we can look forward to seeing the actual gameplay implemented soon!

    What state is the city building in? It seems like a long time since we heard anything.
    Kazeto likes this.
  10. Imperial dane

    Imperial dane Member

    I certainly sense there is a certain sense of antipathy towards poets within the development crew. Too many poets steal away girlfriends in younger days ?
    Kazeto likes this.
  11. Kazeto

    Kazeto Member

    But... but... what about sustenance for their hearts?
  12. Imperial dane

    Imperial dane Member

    Who needs Poets when you have an unshakable faith in the Empire !
  13. Wootah

    Wootah Member

    For inventing new ways of expressing your unshakeable faith in the Empire!!!
    Kazeto likes this.
  14. EleSigma

    EleSigma Member

    Speaking of poets, I wonder if there will be morbid and depressing poets in the game? Like an Edgar Allen Pipe or something?
  15. Wootah

    Wootah Member

    I was hoping that, although I would suspect that any moderately successful poet in the Clockwork Empire that lives long enough eventually goes down that route. Then they either get grusomely exterminated like josiah nutpin, or goes mad and starts a poetry cult that writes by day and harvests souls by night!
    EleSigma and Kazeto like this.
  16. Turbo164

    Turbo164 Member

    EleSigma, Kazeto and Giygas like this.
  17. Wootah

    Wootah Member

    The punchline on slashdot today 'has' to be about CE!

    it says:
    A poet who reads his verse in public may have other nasty habits.

    Just thought I would share :)
    Kazeto likes this.

    MOOMANiBE Ah, those were the days. Staff Member

    Kazeto and EleSigma like this.
  19. Imperial dane

    Imperial dane Member

    On the bright side. Landing craft ! And Nostalgia !
    Kazeto and EleSigma like this.
  20. EleSigma

    EleSigma Member

    It is a lovely landing-craft, despite the design flaw, which makes it fit in with the spirit of the game that much more! :p
    Kazeto likes this.