Please sign a petition opposing major ISPs' scheme to spy on their customers

Discussion in 'Discussions' started by Bohandas, Feb 26, 2013.

  1. Bohandas

    Bohandas Member

    Kazeto and Haldurson like this.
  2. jadkni

    jadkni Member

    I'll support this of course, but I worry that just threatening to take our business elsewhere holds little water when there is SO little competition in the ISP market. There's not many other places to take your business. I have the option and willingness to switch to Frontier (and maybe Gigabit if it ever makes it to my doorstep) but bottom line, I don't think that this petition will really scare ISPs much. It's amazing how much money the MPAA sinks into trying to violate my privacy all supposedly in the name of stopping those evil pirates who are cutting into their bottom line.
    Haldurson likes this.
  3. Aegho

    Aegho Member

    Already signed this(I got the petition emailed to me), though I do not live in America. It's sick, is what it is. Indeed I would say this probably breaks wiretapping laws, though good luck fighting the combined lawyers of the MPAA and RIAA. (Or as they would be called if merged: the Music And Film Industry Association of America, or MAFIAA for short).
  4. jadkni

    jadkni Member

    I love this too much to express it with a like button.
  5. Bohandas

    Bohandas Member

    I think that's a little unfair to our nation's hardworking gangsters...
  6. Bohandas

    Bohandas Member

    IIRC some of the major Internet Service Providers are also Cellular Service Providers, so people could switch their cellular service to something like Credo Mobile in protest.
  7. OmniaNigrum

    OmniaNigrum Member

    Although I signed, I think petitions are largely if not entirely ignored. Write a real paper letter to every ISP you can think of. Tell them until they publicly withdraw support for such things you will not deal with them, and that you will do business only with companies that do.

    Your wallet says more than your signature. Hit them where it counts.
    Kazeto and jadkni like this.