Windows Vista/7 64-bit Ring that crashes the game

Discussion in 'Bugs' started by ninjachicken1, Apr 19, 2013.

  1. ninjachicken1

    ninjachicken1 Member

    I just found a ring that causes the game to crash when I attack an enemy. It also has some really weird effects on an autosave.

    The first time I got the ring I attacked a monster (the last monster in a dual monster zoo!) and the game stopped responding. After a while I gave up and closed it. My last save (from when I started the floor) was intact, but the autosave had a black image - trying to load it sent me back to the title screen. I loaded the working save for another go.

    After clearing the zoo again, I picked up the ring, put it on and went to my pocket dimension for some inventory management. While in the pocket dimension, my game autosaved. I then left the dimension, attacked something and froze the game. This is where things get weird. After restarting DoD, I loaded the autosave - again, it had a black image. This was exactly what the game looked like when I loaded it - the interface was there, but I'd loaded in a black space - my character wasn't visible either. The map clearly showed I was in the Pokédim, as I have just decided to call it, so I just left.

    I appeared in the spot I was in when I entered the Pokédim on my last run, but everything else suggested I was in my last clean save (the one at the beginning of the floor). All the monsters that were in the room were still there, surrounding me. I had the same items as when I started the floor, and the only areas of the map explored were the first room and the one I'd suddenly warped into. I decided to go back to the Pokédim to see what was changed there, then my game crashed.

    I tried uploading autosave.sav (that's the right one, right?) but it was too big - 2489KB to be exact. If you want save data let me know how to and I'll upload it.

    tl;dr - I caught Missingno.
  2. Daynab

    Daynab Community Moderator Staff Member

    Was it the amber ring of unending time, or a ring with an electrical proc? We've got that fixed for the next patch.
  3. ninjachicken1

    ninjachicken1 Member

    Yep. Yep it was. After I posted this I sold that ring, beat that zoo, got the same ring from it and put it on. DERP.
  4. Chatturgha

    Chatturgha Member

    "Gross little bugs" indeed! Came here to report the same thing with the Amber proc but good to know it's been acknowledged.