Hello! Long time blog reader, first time poster. I come bearing gifts (really, just one big gift that everyone can share, but don't be picky now!) I wanted a sharp copy of the Clockwork Empire flag used in some of the blog posts and promotional material to use as a wallpaper. However, all of the versions seem a bit... small. So rather than cry like small babby, I embiggened it using Strange and Mysterious Abobe Illustrator Science. And now I'd like to share the result! Be careful, when you click it, it gets rather reality-breakingly large2048 x 1024 pixels of Imperial Glory. I've also included the SVG vector file on my DeviantArt so that you can make it even bigger or use it for other things. I hope you enjoy! EDIT 4-26 6:52GMT: I just realized this version is different from the original one. I pulled this from the latest story blog, so it must be the Colonial version of the flag, or at least the Antipodean version. At any rate, it was easy enough to remove the stripes for those who drink their tea in the comfort of the Home County Estate rather than in the Wilds. And of course the SVG is available here.
Many thanks for this! I was actually going to dig through all the posts to try and find the most complete versions of the flag, and here you beat me to it! I tip my hat, good sir!