So, I was in Vancouver, BC (where the Gaslamp Studios currently are) and contacted Daynab to find out if I could buy the GL crew a round as a "Thanks!" for their creations. It all went very well. I was given the GRAND tour of the studio (two rooms, lots of computers, lots of gears, little sunlight) and we went to lunch nearby. I tried something called "Poutine"- its Canadian- and learned various things about Vancouver and GL's development experience. (Nick also saluted a plaque in the foyer of a building. It may have been the "God Save the King" that inspired him- regardless, I think he'd be quite stellar at victorian cosplay.) Anyway, two pitchers of beer later, the bill came. The achievement would be mine! Alas, they refused to let me pay. I tried to insist, David demurred. And he already had the bill in hand, so I lost. Seriously though, thanks for taking the time guys! It was nice to meet you all in person
I've been planning a visit to Seattle for years now and always wanted to take a couple days out to head north into Vancouver. If you have any pictures of the trip I'd love to see 'em
Damn- I knew I forgot something! No pictures sadly. If you do make the trip, be sure to take pictures AND grab the check first.
And suddenly, in the midst of a normal day at the bar, there arose a loud chanting. It started from just one small table with several strange people at it, but before long it spread to the rest of the customers. "TO THE PIT! TO THE PIT! TO THE PIT!"