Yet another build thread

Discussion in 'Dungeons of Dredmor General' started by captainkronos, Sep 27, 2013.

  1. captainkronos

    captainkronos Member

    My 3rd character was a disaster. I took Vampirism for the healing and on level 1 ran into the 'boss' diggle Siegfried and his minions and although I eventually killed them all I was left with 3 HP. I tried to heal with food but of course it wouldn't let me and so was killed by the next monster I met.

    So now on to my 4th character and was thinking of this:

    I realise it's a bit top heavy in crafting. I particularly love Burglary and Golemancy (if only for the moustache golem) and want to keep Tinkering for the creation of crossbows and bolts of course.

    What do you think? Thanks.
  2. Pyrotanis

    Pyrotanis Member

    You do not need three craft skills, let's get that out of the way. I can understand smithing and tinkering, but you literally are able to find every item craftable through alchemy at any floor (excluding I think the potion that increases your alchemy skill). It would be helpful to list your goals to meet by the late game. For example, a reliable nuke, great resistances, high ranged damage, etc. Other than that, the build you have now has very few skill bar skills, which is not good as item dependence is shoddy.
  3. TheKirkUnited

    TheKirkUnited Member

    Don't listen to him, items are amazing! Though if you're going to run with 3 crafting skills I would suggest taking rogue scientist which is powered by them, probably in place of archaeology which is redundant with Burglary/Tinker and generally inferior to both IMHO. Also since you don't have any strong melee skills consider ditching smithing since it mostly supports a melee build.

    I've also had some success with a pure crafting build. Though it can be really annoying if you don't have the patience for the inventory management.

    Rogue Scientist
    Paranormal Investigator (more :alchemy: and more recipes!) or Perception (for more loot)
    Clockwork Knight

    This build is mostly about getting Rogue Scientist's abilities and then cranking them to absurd levels but also getting all the sweetest loot. ALL OF IT.

    Good times.
    Darkmere and Haldurson like this.
  4. Haldurson

    Haldurson Member

    I've won the game with pure crafting builds (all 4 crafting skills + skills to enhance crafting, such as CK, Perception, Paranormal Investigator, Pirate, Fungal Arts, and Burglary just for the hell of it). Crafting builds can be excellent. The best thing about crafting builds is that they vastly improve your survivability through all parts of the game. With encrusting, that actually includes late game, as even the uber items that you may think are better than your crafted stuff, can be improved upon.

    One word of advice, though is that any build which involves Tinkering and/or Smithing, I USUALLY like taking Perception as well. It makes it a lot easier to get the materials necessary to make the cool weapons and armor, so you can have that great sword or helm that much sooner.

    Do not underestimate the power of crafting.
  5. Wootah

    Wootah Member

    I find what you say very interesting pyrotanis, as alchemy is the BOMB. Besides unlimited healing and mana....
    If you store up diggle eggs, once you reach level 4 you can mass craft brimstone flasks, and at level 5 you get 3 brimstone flasks for 2 brimstone.

    These things RULE. As You can use them as your one and only solution to Monster Zoos Floors 2-10. Pitch 2 or three in the room and walk away. Repeat once or twice more and there isn't much left, and you can then enter, cleaning up the monster types that hang back at your leisure.

    And if you have rogue scientist you can make them from the alchemical ooze which makes both the brimstone and the plastic for the empty flasks.

    Some of the most fun builds I have ever had (and playing one right now) take the 4 skills

    Rogue Scientist
    Paranormal investigator.

    Starts slow. You level Rogue scientist for the 30 second cooldown skill to shoot stuff.
    Then you level it again to get another point for the acid sprayer.
    Then you rush to level 4 alchemy to get just enough brimstone flasks for the second floor zoo. 5 levels in total.
    After that start leveling up paranormal investigator. Skepticism is the best skill in the game. AMAZING. Ready supplies for crafting needs made from monsters, as well as making low exp monsters high experience monsters (not to mention creating artifacts such as rings,necks and weapons from time to time)

    After that you can get your fifth point in alchemy from paranormal investigator and just transmute all the acids you get in the dungeon into useful potions.

    Then after that you do whatever you want, usually tinkering so traps are never a problem.
    Haldurson likes this.
  6. captainkronos

    captainkronos Member

    My must have skills was going to be Archery, Golemancy, Burglary and Tinkering. The others I was unsure of. As I've said in the past I like ranged characters hence Archery. Golemancy was for the moustache golem as I said and also the unliving wall, or whatever it's called, which seems useful, firing arrows while they're unable to get to me. However, I've never got unliving wall so perhaps it doesn't work like that.

    Which reminds me, are there any penalties if I use my crossbow on any creature standing next to me?

    OK, what about this:

    Paranormal Investigation
    Rogue Scientist
    Clockwork Knight

    I've never used Paranormal Investigation, Rogue Scientist and Clockwork Knight and like the idea of brimstone flasks.
  7. Gorbax

    Gorbax Member

    As far as I know, there aren't penalties for using ranged weaponry at melee range. Even the crossbow knock-back procs at close-range, which is very useful if you're using crossbows in the first place.
  8. Wootah

    Wootah Member

    No penalties using ranged at melee range.
    I have a post somewhere in these forums talking about how if you play golemancy very carefully, you can never die. The unliving wall is one of the most powerful defenses available to you. Since melee only works in the 4 cardinal directions, you can fire things diagonally through properly placed unliving walls, meaning that no matter how powerful a monster is, if it isn't a caster, you can just surround it with walls, and then shoot it to death.

    The mustache is great at level 2. It pretty much can gut the first and most of the second floor for you no problem. If you like these type of head start skills, other trees with skills just like this are Fungal arts (2 summons at level 2 and 5), pyromancy, with the wyrmling at level 4 and fleshsmithing at level 1 for zombies!

    Finally, if you are interested in spoilers:
    Edit: I see Haldurson already linked the J-factor version in another thread. Still You could spend hours
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2013
  9. captainkronos

    captainkronos Member

    Yes dammit I want my moustache golem and the chance to use the unliving wall.

    Which skill could I exchange for golemancy in my build in post 6 above?
  10. Haldurson

    Haldurson Member

    I'd say either Archery or Clockwork Knight.
    On the one hand, CK is semi redundant with Rogue Scientist, and you aren't taking smithing, so that synergy is missing. On the other hand, Archery, while not a bad skill, is unnecessary to make using crossbows 'good'. I actually lean towards dropping Archery. But it's your choice.

    If it were me, and I could only drop one, I'd pick Archery. It's one of a few skills that I almost never choose.
  11. Haldurson

    Haldurson Member

    I'm curious, what's the difference between the two? Are they the same? Are they both equally up to date?

    /edit nm, I see the one that you linked doesn't include commonly used mods, so they definitely are different.
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2013
  12. captainkronos

    captainkronos Member

    OK I'll drop Archery although I didn't know a non-weapon build was feasible. Thanks Haldurson.
  13. Wootah

    Wootah Member

    Seems like it loads faster, most likely because it isn't also loading the mod stuff. Some of the backend image and monster data is better on J-factor's as well.

    Yeah and when you can churn out bolts from tinkering (not to mention perception for more ingots, and skepticism for random stacks of bolts), the main draw of archery ammo recovery doesn't matter as much. Plus as your tinkering gets higher, the bolts become more deadly, compensating for the bonus in stats included in archery.
    Haldurson likes this.
  14. Haldurson

    Haldurson Member

    J-factors does initially load slowly, especially after selecting mods. But once it is loaded, it's very quick.
  15. Kazeto

    Kazeto Member

    Honestly, the real reason recovery doesn't matter all that much for crafting builds is that the higher-end arrows (which are the only thing you'll really be hoarding materials for) are, for the most part, non-recoverable. Which means that you have a plethora of bolts which you don't care about recovering outside of the standard "must pick every item up" rogue-like-player-OCD which are recoverable and a few more advanced bolts that you do care about and treat them as trump cards of sort which are always lost upon firing.

    Then again, if you are paying a non-crafting character then recovery does wonders for not losing the precious bolts you use for sniping whatever annoying monsters you don't want to waste turns walking to to whack their faces.

    Both can be used perfectly well, it's just that together they seem to be a bit redundant as archery is in a large part for making sure you use your stock of bolts efficiently and tinkering stops you from caring about your stack of bolts since it'll be bigger than the stack of presents from Santa (or however that stalker in red is called where you live).

    Then again, you already know that...
    Haldurson likes this.