BTW, I recently went to see a couple of films in the theater which I'll comment on, though at least for the first one, I can't give a detailed...
I predict that 1. It is a game which... 2. I and others here will purchase on or before the launch date and... 3. No diggles were or will be...
I am always skeptical of any science reporting that comes from major mainstream media outlets -- that doesn't mean that they are wrong, or even...
John Le Carre (and to a lesser extent, Graham Greene) wrote some of the best spy stories ever, and some of them have made excellent movies. The...
I just had a game crash from using a wildfire vial on level 2 (no monster zoo). Thing spread all the way to Brax, even though I was no where near...
I am currently on disability, but when I was last working, I was a senior systems analyst for a mid-sized(?) international company. Essentially,...
[IMG]I'm not sure if this counts as a triple zoo or not -- bottom rooms were connected by breakable doors. I do know that double-zoos are a known...
The problem I was having seems to have gone away as of last night. I'm guessing that the problem was with the Eggles mod, and it's been fixed.
I just want to say that the third beta is going now, and I got a chance to play for a few hours today. All of the bigger problems that I...
I'm trying to continue a game I started last night, but I can't because when I try to load the mods, the loading pauses for several minutes when...
I find it to be a pretty mindless rogue-like -- not that that's totally a bad thing, but it really doesn't have the strategy and tactics that most...
I loved The Hurt Locker, and I disagree that it glorifies war. I really think that it shows how War has damaged the main character to the extent...
What they did was almost like Ralph Bakshi-style animation, where the animation is superimposed over live-action (If you've ever seen Wizards,...
I have a suggestion based on my experience with the Skyrim workshop, because there were issues there as well (they were mostly fixed for Skyrm,...
I've noticed something odd and I'm not sure if this is from a mod, or something new in the game. Every once in a while, I'll encounter multiple...
I recently cleared a monster zoo and received a helmet as a reward -- apparently one modeled after an iron Hjalmir(sp?). The problem is that it...
Well normal people are just so boring lol. Back on topic (sort of)... I recently saw "Snow White and the Huntsman". This movie definitely does...
It's actually unusual for traumatic memories to be repressed -- it's more common for them to be reinforced, which is why drugs have been developed...
It definitely was a lever that teleported me -- I know what a mysterious portal is, this was not one. I was only on level 2 so I ended up...
I'm not bipolar -- I have a severe anxiety disorder and clinical depression. I don't experience mania. I probably have had bouts of depression...
Separate names with a comma.