98 Pound Weakling Achievement Not Showing

Discussion in 'Bugs' started by Matthew Teague, Apr 24, 2012.

  1. Has anyone else had problem with this achievement popping up?

    I've started a fresh save since the new update was released, and I've now died at the hands of a muscle diggle at least 3 times ( mage build....I've gotten surrounded way too many times) and the achievement is not registering on my steam account.

    Just wanted to get some feedback and to see if anyone else is having this problem.
  2. Kazeto

    Kazeto Member

    I haven't gotten this one personally (as in, I haven't gotten this bug, since I don't care about achievements and most of the time "bypass" Steam when launching DoD), but I can confirm that it does happen to others, as I've seen at least 2 posts where other people complained about that.
  3. Thanks for the reply Kazeto.

    The achievement itself isn't really that important to me, I'd much rather enjoy the game without having to worry about them haha! But it was just an odd bit of it not loading once I had fulfilled the requirements for the utmost time.