A Couple of Suggestions

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Soultwister, Apr 8, 2012.

  1. Soultwister

    Soultwister Member

    I recently started to play around with some skills I don't normally use/focus on. In particular I was trying out a build focusing on archery with unarmed combat as a backup. I normally played melee centered characters so this wasn't an issue before but with my monitors resolution (some searching showed that higher resolution changes this), I am only able to see 3-4 spaces below my character before the UI intrudes making it hard to fight with ranged attacks. Thus having a zoom out function would be nice so that it isn't dependent on resolution. Another possible alteration is to alter the camera so that the character is one space higher. I know this has been brought up a couple of times but I think this should be looked at.

    The other thing that I noticed while playing with the unarmed skill is that unlike the other first "tier" weapon skills, Throwing Buffalo Technique does not work by proc (as it is implied by the description) but is an active skill. Now while I have nothing against proc abilities, I think that the other weapon trees should be changed so instead of the 20% proc the first skill is an active one (which could be balanced with a higher cooldown if necessary). If Throwing Buffalo Technique is meant to be that way (seeing how it hasn't been patched, that is more than likely the case) it would be nice for the description to remove the talk about "chance" in the description (OCD talking <_<) and possibly look at making the other weapon skills work the same way.

  2. Daynab

    Daynab Community Moderator Staff Member

    Wow, I don't even remember Throwing Buffalo ever having been a proc. I'll tell David to update the description.
  3. dbaumgart

    dbaumgart Art Director Staff Member