Heard this was the place to go to make requests/suggestions about the game, so here's mine. First, could we get a bigger backpack? it could be done by making a mini-pack item that emulates the backpack. Hell, the Lutefisk cube is a good example, all it would really take is modding the code for more slots and to avoid turning things into lutefisk. My second request, which I honestly don't know how feasible it'd be, is some sort of multiplayer aspect, like two people going into the dungeon instead of one. It'd get it closer to a dungeon crawler rpg and let those of us who want to last longer than 12 steps and seven breaths on the later levels a way to seek help.
Can't answer your first question as I don't know the answer, but multiplayer Dredmor would be unfeasable at this point.
I realize that a full/ real time multiplayer would be far too impractical for the game type and the time needed to code it all, but from my very limited understanding a delayed system might be doable.. perhaps someone with more knowledge on the subject could analyze it more. One multiplayer game mode could be sort of like an in-game way to auto send the save file every 'x' moves, or 'x' minutes. There could be options to see every move the previous player had made.. or more interestingly a blind "Let's Play" mode inspired from this thread: http://community.gaslampgames.com/threads/lets-play-no-really-lets-play.2452/ which already seems possible as long as players keep track of any mods, and manually send the save file. Another idea would be a 'Dungeon Master' mode where one player plays in-game, and the other player can change things around every 'x' moves/ time.. with an emphasis on messing with the player ^^
I think my biggest thing for multiplayer would be something like an ad-hoc multiplayer where maybe one or two other players would be able to join as long as they're on your network, or just a small invite-only dungeon crawl. I'm not suggesting a mmo style experience, lord knows that'd be nigh-undoable, but not feeling like you had to take the horde on a million against one would be nice. of course, I think the biggest reason for this would be so i could play with my girlfriend without having to be a backseat dungeoner