I would personally like to see damage reported in the game from a spell to be listed as "Spell causes *** damage" instead of the current output which refers to the monster causing the damage. The ability to have items that you cannot remove from the inventory or character (if the item is an armor or weapon that has been equipped, or just an inventory clogger like the Nethack loadstone) would help to create more interesting cursed items. Granted I used to play a lot of Nethack so that's really where the idea came from for me. Also, when I have always died by a spell it always lists it as dying by a spell mine, why not have the spell listed that killed you?
The main reason items 1 and 3 aren't implemented already is because spells have a tendency to call up subspells. So you have a situation where your ticker lists "Dragon's Breath inflicts 2 damage; Dragon's Breath 1 inflicts 2 damage; Dragon's Breath 2 inflicts 4 damage" which given that the ticker is already too slow would make things absolutely laughable, not to mention that you'd still have no idea what these spells were actually doing. Similarly, the eulogies would start reading like this: John Johnson "He Imploded Like A Ocelot" Killed by a Blast Effect A in a mysterious dimension As for suggestion 2: Adding the inability to remove certain items would just create all kinds of ridiculous complications both for players and for the devs and shouldn't be implemented. At all.
Adding curses is not easy and would really piss off the people who want a light-hearted game. It could be done as an opt-in skillset that requires you to have items that have a 100% chance of procing the spell that counteracts the curse when you are hit. And the skill itself would add the curse when you are hit. So if you remove the item, you lack the cure to the curse. If there is actually much interest in this, we can discuss how it would be done. But as a Nethack addict with years of Demogorgon deaths to remember, I *DO NOT WANT* this.
Well with how fast I play the game sometime i never even get a chance to read the ticker before everything is dead. Think I play too fast. Considering how many times I've died in this "light hearted" game I find that amusing but I don't think something like that would be hard to have as an option if it is included, like they do for permadeath. ... I really hate dying by Diggles on floor 1 because I forgot to take a weapon skill and there is a horde of them behind the first door. You can still have a game that is somewhat difficult while still being lighthearted after all, even if the added difficulty is optional.
You've mentioned that you used to play Nethack, so it's understandable that you'd forget this, but there's a difference between "hard" and "good luck". GRPD is in the former category; it's difficult, and you'll die a lot, but you will eventually win if you plan your builds correctly and approach the dungeon with caution. Things like random artifacts being cursed items that clog your inventory and knockback that allows the player to be pushed over water tiles are in the latter category.