I like that. I have an idea based on that. How about the Nail Gun that fires Nine Inch Nails, from the Original Quake? If you don't mind me stealing your idea for a thread. It can be in that place with the reference to quake in the game, on floor 3, the one with the old helmet, and the interdimensional axe. Still, a good idea. We could also have rock salt with a flavor text referencing rock salt shotgun shells. Or the Megasphere from Doom II! That would be cool to see. "What is this thing, and why is it here?! And why does it look like it wants to explode on you. EEWWW!"
I would like to see a weapon called the Arrrr Kelly or something and it would be a club with a chance to proc. Golden Shower, which would remove gold from your inventory, it would have no benefit at all. Sprinkle Thine FOES!!
That is horrible, and you should be ashamed for that suggestion. Or at the very least, that could be considered in poor taste.
It is in poor taste. But I laughed anyway. Shame on me. How about the Zorkmid Grenade? When you throw it, it explodes on contact and sprays Zorkmids around. Likewise for a Rocket Propelled Zorkmidian Grenade. (Bolt version of the same.) RPZG for the win!