A summary of my thoughts re: CE, bugs, observations, and suggestions

Discussion in 'Clockwork Empires General' started by Alephred, Aug 30, 2014.

  1. Alephred

    Alephred Royal Archivist for Queen And Empire

    As of rev30B, bugs I've encountered:
    • inconsistent ability to select tree stumps for clearing
    • after selection, clearing stumps appears to happen unreliably
    • modules placed in corners during blueprinting may cause finished building to have invisible walls
    • z-fighting between walls of different buildings that share a plane
    • UI buttons sometimes persist, when exiting a game to the save/load/options screen
    • rally beacons for soldiers can only be selected inconsistently, making them difficult to erase
    • upon reloading a saved game, stockpiles are sometimes ignored by the game
    • client sometimes crashes upon completing renovation
    • client sometimes crashes attempting both saving and loading
    • client sometimes crashes for no appreciable reason (possibly related to the graveyard)
    • objects marked for foraging are sometimes permanently ignored
    • selecting workers and moving them around between crews is slow / inconsistent
    A random list of observations:
    • new players regularly ask why the colony seems to have so many colonists busy being idle, and frequently blame the AI for being stupid; I believe a bit of explanation regarding the Overseer / Work Crew mechanic would go a long way to helping this situation
    • I'm quite impressed by the pace and direction of development
    • I like the aesthetic and I like the tone
    • I'm particularly looking forward to broader resource and production complexity
    • strangely, I'm really looking forward to pipes - they're another layer of complexity, and they'll also help with visual variety
    • same goes for mega-projects
    A random list of suggestions:
    • passenger pigeons! They went extinct around this time period
    • in the real world, this era was also a saw the early flourishing of the archaeological sciences
    • differentiate the nutritional values of food so that the most convenient ones are also the least satiating (i.e. lingonberry preserves should be better food than stew)
    • some way to capitalise on the shore line? A fishing hut, perhaps, that generates raw fish
    • a proper gentleman of the era would not even consider going out with a hat
    • fruit trees! tubers (potatos, turnips, squash)! corn!
    • silk! think of the production chain, and potential goods!
    Phew, keep up the good work!
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2014