Windows Vista/7 64-bit a wild last.txt appeared

Discussion in 'Bugs' started by Gaggo, Jul 31, 2012.

  1. Gaggo

    Gaggo Member

    Hi, I play DoD via Steam on my win7 64-bit.

    Every time I click on the "start game" button from the launcher, apart from the last game configurations, DoD delete my current last.txt and replace it with a new different file (maybe an old game synchronized in steam cloud).
    I tried the -nukesteamcloud way from the cmd and it works. I can quit and replay and my last.txt is still there.
    But when i try to play DoD via Steam i get the same issue and I can't sync that file in any way.
  2. Daynab

    Daynab Community Moderator Staff Member

    If you don't use steamcloud for everyday use, just add the -nukesteamcloud to the steam game launch options (right click the game in the library) so it will do the same thing when ran through steam.
  3. Gaggo

    Gaggo Member

    If I wanted to do that I had already done. I was only hoping for a better way, cause, you know... that's really not a solution ^^'
  4. Daynab

    Daynab Community Moderator Staff Member

    Hm, well if I'm understanding you right, you can try to delete your current last.txt, then -nukesteamcloud once (through steam) and see if it holds.

    I'm not sure what you can do, otherwise.
  5. Gaggo

    Gaggo Member

    yay it works!
    now steam use my real last.txt ^_^