Add in 360 controller compatibility?

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Saharan, Jun 20, 2012.


Would you like to see controller support implimented?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  1. Saharan

    Saharan Member

    It would require some UI repositioning, and a few navigation tweaks , such as being able to select an item in the item bar without using it, and a slight overhaul of how you handle your inventory/equipment, but I think it'd be worth it. Heck, I'd buy it if it was its own DLC.

    In-Game Controls:
    Left stick to move.
    Left stick press to wait.
    D-Pad to turn without moving.
    Right stick to ??? (Backup mouse pointer?)
    Right stick press to ??? (Backup mouse click?)
    Left/Right Bumpers to select skill.
    Left/Right Triggers to select item.
    A to Interact. (Open Chest, Read Book, Attack, etc)
    B to use Skill.
    X to use Item.
    Y to ??? (Toggle map size?)
    Start to bring up UI bar menu.
    Back to open Crafting menu.

    UI Screen controls:
    Left stick/D-Pad to navigate.
    Right stick to scroll up and down.
    L/R Bumpers/Triggers to switch pages.
    A to select/confirm.
    B to exit current menu.


    Attached Files:

  2. Nicholas

    Nicholas Technology Director Staff Member

    You could do it, and it's been done (see the video game Torneko no Daibouken for a good example of a roguelike that uses a console scheme, fairly similar to what you propose.)

    That said, it ain't being done any time soon, I'm afraid.
  3. OmniaNigrum

    OmniaNigrum Member

    There are always the third party software to map keyboard keys to the controllers. Years ago a good one was free. It was known as "Xpadder", But it sucks now since they sold out and now demand you pay $30 for the honor of using their garbage tool. I think I heard there is a freeware version from before they sold their souls to the almighty dollar. But I do not know what version it is and would be extremely wary of installing something that claims to be the old freeware version since half the copies are *Clearly* trojans.

    The last time I looked for one of the old freeware versions I found ten different versions of the same version number. None of them were the exact same size, and the checksum of the files was always different. Couple that with the fact that they have to install as an administrative device, and you can easily see why they are not to be trusted.

    The original sell-out that made the freeware versions no-longer supports them and will literally delete your account if you bother to ask on the forums about the freeware versions. I did. And was promptly kicked for the dis-service of asking if anyone could confirm what the CRC/MD5/SHA-1 hash of the files were so we could weed out the trojans. That scumbag running that shyster organization benefits from the trojans since they scare idiots into handing them money for a version that is not a trojan.

    You did not hear this from me, but there are ways around such problems... 'Nuff said.
  4. Daynab

    Daynab Community Moderator Staff Member

    There's joy2key but I dont know if you can simulate a cursor with it.
  5. Saharan

    Saharan Member

    While there are controller-to-keyboard programs, none of them that I've looked into would be able to 1) alternate between skills without mapping every single skill to a button, 2) do anything but simulate a mouse cursor, in regards to inventory management, and 3) choose items from your item belt without eating them or equipping them to your skill slot. All of those functions would have to be added into the game itself for a keyboard-mapped controller to be able to be used comfortably, imo.