Alchemy suggestions

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by El Zoof, Dec 20, 2011.

  1. El Zoof

    El Zoof Member

    Reverse Alchemeering replaces one of the higher-level alchemy skills - possibly level 3 - and allows you to destroy an alchemically created item, possibly one item per level of the recipe, in order to get the recipe for that item.

    EDIT: The other idea to go with this is to make recipes random, so that there's a slightly more logical reason as to why you can't just make this stuff yourself by already knowing it. Not that logic should play too much of a part, mind you.
    Boozology gives a chance to mix two or more different alcohols together with the chance of either creating a new random useful potion or Rancid Sludge, the mana equivalent of Lutefisk with the added bonus of not being as useful with gods.