Alien mod WIP

Discussion in 'Modding' started by christopher mases, Jan 23, 2014.

  1. Goodday!

    I've been working on an Alien inspired mod, i've frankensteined a skill tree and a couple of items.
    I made a polymorph spell that turns the player into a xenomorph, i've drawn all the animation except the run animation, am i right in understanding that you can't make both idle and run animation for the character with a polymorph spell? (because monsters only have run animations witch is also used for idle)

    If this is the case then i'll be pretty sad since i was planing on making a metroid mod next.

    I'll just release the alien mod without the polymorph spell and make aditional items instead if this is the case.

    Any help or confirmation is greatly appreciated.

  2. Daynab

    Daynab Community Moderator Staff Member

    I'm not entirely sure about the animation question but have you looked at the Werediggle skilltree or the Demonology one to see how they are made? I'm also pretty sure there have been at least a few mods playing around with polymorph.
  3. Yeah, the werediggle and demonology (also the mod "the thing") polymorph into normal monsters and they do not have an animation for moving from square to square, only the hero has that animation. so what ever the monsters idle animation is, is also the heros run animation during polymorph.

    I hope that clears up what i was saying.
    Thanks for the reply.
  4. Daynab

    Daynab Community Moderator Staff Member

    In that case, you're definitely correct.