Root, paralyze, maybe even fear? We have anti-magic, so the idea of status effects working on the player is already there -- and it would be SO COOL to be able to mod skills like "you cannot walk but gain +40 counter" and monsters like "Hollow Weenie" that forces you to move away.
But this so much! There's times that it'd be great to have the player susceptible to cc. Most spells don't affect the caster anyway so they wouldn't be affected. Lockdown is probably the main one though, that'd be nice.
I have been on fire quite a few times,been poisoned,had my vision reduced,etc. I am pretty sure stats effects are in, either that or the devs have one nasty sense of humor
He's talking about lockdown, paralyze, crowd control, not just stat changes. The only one that can affect the player currently is mute.