Alpha 43 Issues

Discussion in 'Clockwork Empires General' started by Troutbane, Sep 19, 2015.

  1. Troutbane

    Troutbane Member

    I like where this game is going. I still have trouble getting my colony fully sufficient before bugs and wonkiness set in and make me restart, so here is what Ive noticed that are either bugs, or potential issues I am facing:

    1) Too many modules/clearing/construction jobs seems to be confusing my construction crew. Have a 5 man construction crew that spent three days doing nothing despite literally dozens of things to do. I tried clearing jobs out of the job queue, but then....

    2) Cancelling jobs in job queue seems to create problems. Some modules ready for construction vanish (good) but some don't (bad). Gabions are the worse for this, but Ive had problems with ovens and metalwork modules. They still create navigation obstacles and I accidentally imprisoned one of my workers in a kitchen corner (and thus, cannot free her without dismantling the whole kitchen). I think what seems to give a problem is if the footprint of the building changes, those modules are almost impossible to stop from the job menu. Once cancelled in the job queue, you cannot even select the ghost modules to delete manually. Speaking of ghost modules....

    3) Cancelling gabions in job queue seems to make them ghostly. I can build over them, but that creates these dual glowing gabions. Now, if ghost gabions gave my colony supernatural powers, I would say "awesome". Speaking of gabions...

    4) I keep getting gabion error messages that I do not have enough logs, despite having over twenty in my commodities list. I am thinking this may cause the jobs for their construction to halt permanently. Since you cannot manually delete the gabion construction module, and deleting in job queues gives problem2 above, I wonder if this creates some weird construction overflow.

    5) Can sugarloaf be eaten? Is sugar the "wheat" of the jungle?

    6) I think there should be more stone generated near colonies. Maybe iron and foragables too, but definitely more stone. Seem to run out really quickly.

    7) Another issue is with food. Growing/foraging seems fine, but cooking seems to take too long to keep everyone fed, even with full kitchen with full crew and plenty of food. Hunting also seems to diminish rapidly after first few weeks.

    8) Flax farms are over-productive. Since we cannot designate farmers to specific farms (which would be awesome) flax seems to utilize more human resources than it needs to.
  2. Samut

    Samut Member

    When you have all the flax you want, switch your farm over to something else.

    It would be nice, however, if more things required cloth. Rugs, for example, were still being made out of planks last time I checked.
  3. Samut

    Samut Member

    And the gabions error message is misleading, because it's also triggered if you have logs but they're too far from the construction location. Gaslamp, could the error message be re-written to reflect this, e.g. 'You have insufficent logs to contruct your ganion or they're too far away.'?
  4. Nicholas

    Nicholas Technology Director Staff Member

    If you get the "everybody is confused behaviour", send me a save! It's much easier to figure out what's going on if you can send me a save where everybody isn't working versus a save where everybody is. (These days it's not bugginess as much as it is "you've secretly run out of some component needed and we have poor messaging.")
  5. Troutbane

    Troutbane Member

    OK, I relogged the newest save after my rage quit and kept going. It appears the construction crew is ever so slowly, doing construction related activities, but it is like molasses. I still have gabions not being constructed, but Im not sure if they are just being pushed down in priority. I do keep adding construction jobs, mainly to keep workcrews busy and people fed/roomed. So far....kinda so good, but the lack of defense is chafing my tentacles despite no attacks. I will upload a save game file in the near future..
  6. Samut

    Samut Member

    The job utility for Gabions seems way lower than just about anything else; my colonists won't build them unless there are literally no other open jobs available.
  7. Nicholas

    Nicholas Technology Director Staff Member

    Throw me that save game!
  8. Troutbane

    Troutbane Member

    Behold the defenseless and weed filled colony of Troutbania!

    Attached Files:

  9. Nicholas

    Nicholas Technology Director Staff Member

    Cog Save The Queen! I will investigate this tomorrow morning.