Alpha 47 Alpha 47 is now live! "What, These Shoddy Foreign Goods?"

Discussion in 'Clockwork Empires General' started by dbaumgart, Jan 18, 2016.

  1. dbaumgart

    dbaumgart Art Director Staff Member

    Major Changes (since 46, basically)
    • added Trade Depot & trader events
    • food has been reworked to be way more interesting!
    • new features and events added to the Foreign Office to allow interactions with the Grossherzogintum von Stahlmark, the Republique Mechanique, and the Novorus Imperiya
    Read all about it on the Clockwork Empires: Development Progress Report!


    Minichangelog for 46B -> 47
    • added trade value indicators to Trade Depot
    • added unique workcrew names based on skills, traits, assignment type
    • added unique trade good sets for each foreign nation
    • FIXED: exploding shaders for Tikigod, hopefully
    • FIXED: "mind_blast" will no longer appear as a cause of death
    • FIXED: mineshafts will not keep adding output products when moved
    • FIXED: error when crops were exploded
    • FIXED: colonists should no longer starve in the search for cooked food when they have raw food
    • (removed coconut crop for now)
    • (trade post should not create no work crew alert)
  2. Kaidelong

    Kaidelong Member

    Glass jars sure open up a lot of possibilities for new recipes. Sauerkraut might be a good one to motivate the growing of cabbage. Crimble might also be interesting (sand, sulphur, cabbage, and wheat?)
  3. berkstin

    berkstin Member

    Um.... is it just me or do crops not actually grow past their initial stage in 47? Planted maize, assigned a full work crew, it never develops past initial 'immature' level. I plant 2 more fields, assign the same crew, they plant each field, each grows to first stage and then stops.

    Attached Files:

  4. dbaumgart

    dbaumgart Art Director Staff Member

    Oh, crap. You're right. We're going to need to hotfix this.
    berkstin likes this.
  5. Nicholas

    Nicholas Technology Director Staff Member

    Essence, KillerKidClever and berkstin like this.
  6. Alavaria

    Alavaria Member

    The magic of heat!

    Don't set it on fire though.
  7. dbaumgart

    dbaumgart Art Director Staff Member

    (Hotfix is live. Your crops will grow again.)
    Rentahamster and berkstin like this.
  8. berkstin

    berkstin Member

    You guys are awesome, what with the hotfixes and all.
  9. Tikigod

    Tikigod Member

    Not sure if this is new to 47 or some lingering problem from 46, but carpentry make planks order tooltip shows a 1:1 ratio. But the job is actually producing at a 1:2 ratio.
  10. Babel

    Babel Member

    Not sure what is causing it, but my militia keeps getting marked for frontier justice. First time it happened was right after they had killed a giant beetle. Assigned a new overseer and a worker to militia and they were marked right away.

    Good news: food seems to be working a lot better this patch!
  11. No more cabbage looping! Now when they go to do it, they only put it down and pick it back up one time. Then they eat it and go on with their lives. This pleases me greatly. First playthrough I was raided by a half dozen bandits on Day 7 and got wiped out. Trying again to see if I just got very poor RNG luck. Goodbye sleep, hello massive amounts of caffeine!
  12. Alavaria

    Alavaria Member

    Hmm converting iron and raw fishperson steak into tin of meat that sells for a ton, huh..
  13. dbaumgart

    dbaumgart Art Director Staff Member

    Mysterious! Logged as OC-4325, checking it out now.

    Edit: Hey, do you have a saved game for this?

    K! Will fix that real quick.
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2016
  14. mailersmate

    mailersmate Member

    dbaumgart likes this.
  15. dbaumgart

    dbaumgart Art Director Staff Member

  16. Kaidelong

    Kaidelong Member

    Misc issues:

    Boxed pots and pans are useless right now. Colonists won't actually use it to construct the module, because the requirement is an iron bar.

    Some kind of currency should really be available for trading. The setting this game takes place in should certainly feature ubiquitous legal tender, and even things like Dwarf Fortress had craftable coins.

    When goods were marked for trade but are unmarked, the green highlight will persist and if you prompt them they'll still ask if you want to unmark them (colonists will use them though).
  17. mailersmate

    mailersmate Member

    I'm playing with the trade post. How long does it take for traders to arrive? I've had it up for a couple of days with a couple of ledger desks and nothing new seems to be happening. Do I need it manned before merchants will show up or something?
  18. Kaidelong

    Kaidelong Member

    You can't man it. I had merchants show up almost immediately from, interestingly, the Republique, who the empire was at war with. I am thinking it is random.
  19. I was going to ask the same thing as Mailersmate :) On another note it would be good if the pop up windows were a bit offset from each other. I just declined a deserting bandit I wanted to join the colony when another window appeared as I pressed the ok the join button. I didn't get the bandit and did affirm shooting fishpeople. Neither was what I wanted to do. If that makes any sense?
  20. dbaumgart

    dbaumgart Art Director Staff Member

    Logged as OC-4335, thx for the report!