An idea to finally fix crafting skills

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Shadowplay, Apr 21, 2012.

  1. Shadowplay

    Shadowplay Member

    Well partially at least.

    If all crafting skils gave an extra bag with 9 slots +3 slots per level of the crafting skill, players can use said bags to sort items according to crafting skills and what not. It is important that there is no requirements on what those bags can be used for so that it can either be a utility aspect of the skill or so that you can take wahtever items, regardless of whether they are designated Reagents or not, and put them into the bag to make sure you dont accidentally sell them.

    Also making a few improvements to the functionality of the crafting screen would massively help making it viable. My ideas include:
    1: Make it possible to sort recipies according to type (axe, arrow, reagent, torso armor etc)
    2: Make it so that if you click an item in a recipe you filter out all the recipies which does not require said item.
    3: Make it possible to mark a numer of recipies as "favourite" which will make it much easier and faster to double check reagent requirements in the items you want to make.
  2. nobody.

    nobody. Member

    I agree with him, especially about second and third point.
  3. Wootah

    Wootah Member

    All I want is when I filter something, that the first recipe shown is put into the crafting Section (middle slot) instead of the top. I dislike filtering only to have to hit the up arrow twice to scroll up to the single recipe that I have mats for, which seems like all the time. Especially for things like making grated cheese, which I often do soon as I pick up a piece.
    mining and r_b_bergstrom like this.