Anti-Pagan Mod?

Discussion in 'Modding' started by Victor "Amateur7" Korytov, Jul 5, 2013.

  1. Good day.
    Is it possible to make a mod changing all the sacrifice stuff in less pagan, more rubbish and maybe even schi-fi-ish way (like Quest Vending Machine or Broken Insta-Upgrade Apparatus)? These pagan thing hurts my religious feelings in some way :( so I'd like to learn to draw and make that kind of mod someday on my free time :)

    As for now as far as I know I need to manually redraw some pictures (sprites and backgrounds) and put them into right folders to make it by hands. Is it possible to make it with modding tools "out of the box" and post via Steam Workshop or is it planned to? That way some people might even thing about total conversion mods I suppose.

    Thanks a lot in advance.
  2. I think a lot of what you'd want to change is hardcoded--eg the altars--so it'd be pretty difficulty to change; although graphics could probably be changed without too much difficulty. Though a lot of it would take core mods that wouldn't be compatible with steam the mod manager; you'd have to replace files in the core directory I think.

    Skills and items and monsters could be changed fairly easily though; and assuming the replacement tags are working properly would be compatible with the default mod manager.

    (...the irony of me helping given my username is not lost on me)
    Kazeto likes this.
  3. Ruigi

    Ruigi Will Mod for Digglebucks

    I half jokingly contemplated a "Christian dredmor mod" which would feature a "jesus" item that would easily destroy all enemies in one hit. It was a joke, though... I didn't think anybody would actually want to download it. But perhaps you could make a serious "Christian dredmor" totalconversion mod. You could replace the lutefisk god shrines with the Jesus, and you could change the "satanic displacement glyphs" to HOLY TELEPORTATION PADS and replace the pentagram sprites with crosses. You could also include 20 scraps of paper (reagent items) that do nothing other than provide bible passages and important life lessons to people who may not yet have heard the word. Nobody will be annoyed by losing the opportunity to find metals/ingots/ores/other reagents.
    Kazeto likes this.
  4. Loerwyn

    Loerwyn Member

    Guys, let's be nicer here. I don't think your post was entirely appropriate, Ruigi, it's kinda clear this poster does have some issues with the game.

    But, to be honest, I gotta say I think tentacled-godqueen is on the money here. So much of this game is hard-coded and/or very hard to change, and if you've never modded before (or modded this game before) then you're really going to be trying to do something that essentially won't be possible.

    As for the "anti-pagan" stuff, Dredmor has a number of references to Scandinavian countries, where Viking mythology comes from, with that mythology being one of the major influences behind Western fantasy settings. A lot of the game references Scandinavian things (e.g. Lutefisk), and these references are part and parcel of the game. I don't know how they manage to offend your religious views, but sadly there's not a lot that can be done about them.

    Best thing you can do, really, is try to ignore them if you find them problematic.
    Kazeto likes this.
  5. I really don't mind seeing people with any nickname so tentacled-godqueen, no problem with it. Thanks for the info. :)
    I believe "Cristian" setting won't fit well into DoD world. And I have no problems playing games in sci-fi or fantasy setting to some (very vast actually) extent. I'd prefer making a mod in the spirit of original DoD humor and absurdity but with some minor tweaks just to satisfy my world view slightly more :)
    Thank you for the answer too :)
  6. It seems like I need to fill the gaps in my education then ;)
    One thing that makes me feel uneasy is making sacrifices to gods (even fictional). I believe I can just pass by all the altars in game, but I'm afraid I'll miss some interesting game mechanics that way. The only workaround seems possible for me now is some minor graphic tweaks fitting DoD setting as well as it's possible.
    Thanks for the reply :)
  7. Loerwyn

    Loerwyn Member

    You could run the game without any of the expansion packs, which should cut out most of the things you find problematic, I believe. But you will be limiting the skills you have, the items you can get and how many floors you can reach.
    Kazeto likes this.
  8. Daynab

    Daynab Community Moderator Staff Member

    As tentacled-godqueen said, this stuff is hardcoded so unfortunately, modding it can't really be done at this point.

    That said, you can avoid the gods if you want to and still be able to win. The lutefisk god gives items, but they aren't any better than what you'll find, and the Diggle Gods do give out some pretty hefty buffs but sometimes you won't even find them regardless.

    Inconsequentia gives you quests which give you an item at the end of them, so I don't know if that's not one you want to use either.
    Kazeto likes this.
  9. Also you might be able to remove the rooms that have the shrines from spawning I think; but I haven't done much with room modding so I don't know the details.
    Kazeto likes this.
  10. Thank you all for your replies. I feel quite relieved with all your answers. I'll try to get more into DoD lore and the game itself (I mean the process of playing, but I might tinker with some modding as well) and I hope all my issues will get solved eventually.
    Thanks a lot :)
    Daynab likes this.