I searched before making a new April Fools day thread. Please feel free to show your better AF links. So far this morning I have seen the iCatbot. *Edit* Fixed link.
http://www.hulu.com/watch/615757 http://massively.joystiq.com/2014/04/01/guild-wars-2-inflates-your-characters-head/
My favorite place for April Fools is always Thinkgeek. They actually let you vote to see what products they will turn real. The Tauntaun sleeping bag was originally an April Fools but is now a real product. This year, I totally want this: Nerf Nuke
Yep, I know it's a real game that's also an april fools joke at the same time (I don't think it's a coincidence that they chose today to release it). Still, I thought the patch notes were worth posting.
http://steamcommunity.com/games/nuclearthrone/announcements/detail/1297342152030312232 Not gonna lie, I've actually been having fun with this one. Managed to get to the sewers with melting, even!
BTW, my university had a huge reputation for practical jokes, and I particpated in quite a few (At least of the less... ambitious ones). Here's some links to a few of them, and I can tell stories as well. The whole McDonald's Caper was fairly recent history when I was a student at Caltech (it was actually my student house, Page House, that were the primary perpetrators of that one). To give you an idea, we made enough money to build the largest/most powerful known ILLEGAL FM Radio station in the U.S., plus had enough left over for an interest-bearing account specifically meant for the maintenance, purchases of records, and so on, to keep it running for a while (I actually ran the station for a short time, and was a dj before that). The ones listed here, I was not actually present for, but I'll tell a couple of stories about ones I was present for... Technically, they aren't April Fools jokes/pranks, but they are pranks. http://www.museumofhoaxes.com/hoax/archive/permalink/the_caltech_sweepstakes_caper http://www.museumofhoaxes.com/hoax/Hoaxipedia/Great_Rose_Bowl_Hoax/ http://www.museumofhoaxes.com/hoax/weblog/comments/caltech_vs_mit http://www.museumofhoaxes.com/hoax/weblog/comments/scientists_walk_of_fame http://articles.latimes.com/2013/may/24/local/la-me-0525-caltech-ditch-day-20130525 (btw, while this was written in 2013, Ditch Day, probably with some variation, was celebrated whole-heartedly all during my time there) Ones that I was present for... While I was working as a DJ at KKAL, the unofficial Caltech radio station, this Freshman student asked me to play something by Rush. I told him that (at the time) I was not familiar with the group, and neither I, nor the radio station had any records by them. BUT if he could bring me a record or tape, I would play it over the air. He brought me an album, and I put it on. No sooner had I done so, I got a phone call from a regular listener who essentially told me I should stop playing that garbage. I told him that I had promised that I'd play requests, and that was a request, and if he had a request, I would play that also. Within a few minutes (he lived in the same student house), he and about a half-dozen other students staged an assault on the radio station. They were pounding on the doors to get in, yelling, screaming (all in good fun, of course). So I ended up trying to play the whole album side because, after all, I knew it would annoy them. I, and the fellow who had brought me the album had to lean on the door to keep everyone out, during the whole fracas, which I broadcasted. Eventually, they forced their way in and held me down while they changed the record lol. We also had our own football team at Caltech, as crazy as that might seem (MIT DIDN'T have one, which turned our challenge of them to a football match into a great big joke, 'the Nerd Bowl', but that's another story). And the truth was, that it wasn't a very good team, even by the standards of the division in which we played. That said, we had a tradition that IF Caltech ever won a football game, that at Pi Time (approximately 3:14 AM) we'd have a big surprise Bonfire at an undisclosed major interesection in Pasadena. Since we almost NEVER won a game, that really was not an issue, so we maintained a good relationship with the police and fire departments... for a long while. However, while I was there, something odd happened. Our football team started to win games. We (I mean the school, I wasn't a football player). The first time it happened, it was not an issue and no one outside of the students, suspected anything strange was going to happen. At about 3:00 AM, we all ran to a preselected intersection and started marching in a square direction, corner to corner, around it, obeying traffic laws, etc. At close to 3:14, a truck drove up, dropped all of the collected wood and flammable debris into the middle of the intersection, and we had a grand old bonfire, until the police showed up with the fire department and shut it down. Fine. However, after it became apparent that the victory wasn't a fluke, that we actually had a team that could win, the police would send people to our football games to see if there would be another bonfire. And our tactics had to change. Now, instead of marching around the intersection, we would act as a diversion, marching at a different interesction, and then when the word was spread at a minute or two before Pi Time, we'd all run to the actual intersection (which no one really knew other than those in charge of the bonfire). After a while, the campus and the fire department came to an understanding, that we weren't going to burn the city down, and even though they didn't stop trying to find out in advance where the bonfire was going to be, they had to resign themselves to the fact that, in the name of good relations, they couldn't really do anything about it. I have more stories, but that's enough for now.