Hello all, been a good while since I have been on here. I see that theres a new freee DLC coming out which we get to name, so i'l be looking to that but anyways. Since my long break, i'm wondering if our save files are now stored in our Steam Cloud so that we can open up our files on any computer? It's just a little gripe of mine that I had because I play many of my games on multiple computers, and it really ties you down knowing that if you want to Dredmor experience to be smooth, you have to stick with the same pc for a good while (In this case my ol lappy that can surprisingly run a good few of my games) I've searched the forums to an extent and I cannot find any information on this topic and I was just wanting to know. In the end I decided to place this here in the suggestion forums as it can be a suggestion if it hasn't been done yet.
Yes, and it should work. However, be careful with it as I've seen it eat and overwrite saves if you have multiple. It's a bit strange and I'm not sure how to explain it.