I'm having a weird problem with whenever I load my save. I'm on DL14, running Staff/Golemancy/Necroeco/Promethian/Blood Magic/Burglary/Archaeology. I died- seemingly randomly, and it said I died from a 'buff running out'. I had Syzygy (from a Gargleblaster), Mark of Chthon, and the Diggle god of Fertility buff. My buffs can't really run out; I have 1/turn regen on mana and the Mark/Syzygy are stepped so they don't ping at the same time. I had stepped on a Very Hot Firey Surprise trap's mine, but that wasn't enough to do it to me- I was at Moderately Okay health (although Warp cursed- that's bugged, btw- an enemy steps on it and you get the curse). I had no self-made phylacteries (I found one in a bin, I guess?). So I go 'whatever' and reload from the Automatic Save. It loads and I instantly die. Like, I keel over and the dead screen doesn't even give me a reason. I'm testing it again as I type my post and the thing isn't even playing the 'you have died!' music. Note that I still have 22 HP and I am clearly not dead. The manual save from earlier is fine, but I'd rather not lose my progress.
I've had this happen to me before, when Essence's Kung Fu mod inflicted a -80 HP penalty and then returned it to you in the active buffs. As I figure it, this relates to layering. When DoD saves, the game looks at your character and adds up his or her stats from scratch. As far as I can tell, it does so in the following order: 1. Determine all Primary Stats from levels. 2. Calculate secondary stats. 3. Add bonus Primary and secondary stats from skill levels. 4. Add bonus Primary and secondary stats from equipment. 5. Add the amount of MP the character has currently spent and all HP damage the character has taken. 6. Add bonus Primary and secondary stats from buffs. This is probably an over simplification, but the game seems to work in something like this order. What happens is, it applies your current damage to a character who isn't buffed and realizes, "Hey! This person should be dead!" It could probably be solved by moving Step 5 to Step 6. In fact, I probably should have made a bug report about it here when I noticed it earlier... Nice save, Lakidaa