Because he was important online, too, dammit.

Discussion in 'Discussions' started by Essence, Sep 12, 2012.

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  1. Essence

    Essence Will Mod for Digglebucks

    delta534, OmniaNigrum and SkyMuffin like this.
  2. Kazeto

    Kazeto Member

    Well, what can I say...

    Welcome to the internet-born era of stupid.
  3. Daynab

    Daynab Community Moderator Staff Member

    delta534 likes this.
  4. SkyMuffin

    SkyMuffin Member

    I think it's really cool that someone could have a totally ordinary day job, but be an internet superstar at night. It's a real shame that someone like this got incredibly unlucky and was killed for who knows what random reason. :(
  5. OmniaNigrum

    OmniaNigrum Member

    I cannot entirely agree that he was killed for no reason. I will say point blank that he was killed for something he was not involved in, nor should have been held responsible for.

    I would go on, but I can only irritate the irrational out there.

    Well... One more thing I will say.

    How can a belief in peace and concern for one-another lead anyone to murder and destroy? The answer is that it cannot. Look at your lives and your beliefs and evaluate what makes sense and what does not.
    Godwin likes this.
  6. Hah, for those who are interested, someone had the brilliant idea of releasing a vid insulting the prophet (it is explicitly mentioned in muslim faith that the prophet should not be mentioned esp. in fiction, let alone insulted) and putting a trailer on the internet with arabic subtitles. In a global climate of economic recession and xenophobic tension, the outcome in Lybia was foregone conclusion.
    That being said, it's also very much a case where the "end does not justify the means". Of course, the mob that tore down the embassy in Syria thinks otherwise, but the FARC thought selling drugs, kidnapping/torturing civilians, etc, etc, were all acceptable ways of supporting La revoluzion as well.
    Bottom Line - There's a lot of blame to go around on what happened, and controversy on freedom of speech v/s. not releasing offensive material, but one thing we can all agree on is that our friend the ambassador had nothing to do with what led to his untimely death.
    OmniaNigrum likes this.
  7. OmniaNigrum

    OmniaNigrum Member

    Let us not start the blame game on this, but I for one would like to kindly request those who follow Islam to denounce the violence that I continually hear Islamic and Muslim groups saying is not their way. Some people did stupid things. Some innocent people died because some people chose to be offended by those stupid things.

    Now it is time to acknowledge for the world that this is or is not the Islamic and/or Muslim way.

    I am not a Muslim, and I do not even know if Islam and Muslim are just different words to mean the same thing. But regardless of any of that, if this is what those beliefs represent and teach, then I will forever oppose them. If not, then I will be relieved that this was a mistake made by those who do not follow the beliefs they claim to follow.

    Launching RPGs at an embassy because some jackass in the other side of the world made a film of hatred? No justification can be made.
  8. Daynab

    Daynab Community Moderator Staff Member

    No, this isn't the place for this.
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