Because You Know You Want Your Stuffed Diggle To Go 'Weeeh'

Discussion in 'Discussions' started by Essence, Sep 12, 2012.

  1. Essence

    Essence Will Mod for Digglebucks

    I'm making an offer, and I don't know if anyone will take me up on it, but here it goes:

    If you get a plush Diggle, and you want it to go 'Weeeh' (or make any other noise from DoD or say any of the DoD insult phrases (available in my voice or my wife's voice)), send me your Diggle and $20. I'll obtain a batch of those squeeze-box things that they put in dolls, and I'll record the sound of your choice into your Diggle's squeeze-box. My wife will then use her domestic magic to insert the squeeze-box harmlessly into your Diggle's rounded little tummy, and I'll send it back to you.

    if anyone actually is interested in this value-added service, just PM me for my address. I realize this won't matter to anyone until the Diggles come out of pre-order and into reality, but I figured I'd stick it out there.

    For the record, of the $20 you send me:

    Roughly $11 goes into the voice recorder thingy.
    Roughly $6 goes into return postage (USPS International Flat Rate Boxes FTW).
    Roughly $3 goes into my pocket.

    This ratio may change if I find a cheaper supply of voice recorder thingys. :)
    OmniaNigrum likes this.
  2. Kamisma

    Kamisma Member

    Can't you input the sound straight from the game sounds, or are these some of those analog recorders ?

    I might have been interested if they shipped diggles to france, or china.
    OmniaNigrum likes this.