Might be a little OP'd in DoD, but I figured I'd ask anyway - Possible that we might see a bones file system implemented?
Bones file? Like filing bones into dust for potions? Or carrying bones around in a file for crafting? Or a new file type monster eating dead monster's bones to get progressively stronger? Or bones being saved on file so that they don't disappear as soon for fungal/ zombie/ corpse eating?.. You really should be more clear with what you mean, but I find all my interpretations of the idea interesting, so I'll (partially) support this anyways.
I assume Tycho means Nethack style bones files, which saved the floor in which the player died. Then in subsequent plays, it would occasionally load that floor, complete with a tombstone and an aggressive ghost of the past character. You could find all of your old loot, most of which would be cursed. I'd love a bones file system, but I don't know how balanced it would be.
That does sound nice.. perhaps most of your 'old loot' would have a high chance of being stolen/ destroyed (since every dungeon is different).. so maybe one of the randomly generated skeleton/ dead adventurers could have one of your old artifacts (minus any Krongs) instead of their usual stuff? This would make it feel a bit more personal, and if the skeleton was named as well~ ^^
Yeah basically what Blind Piper said. They have a very similar system in Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup, which I personally really like, but just a simple thing like having the remains/tombstone of previously played character would be really cool in Dredmor imo. Ghosts might work out as well, but just being able to see some sort trace of your earlier chars would add a lot to the game I think. Being able to link something from an earlier game with the current one just adds to the atmosphere. Another possibility would be to have the monster which killed your char appear -- instead of the ghost of said char. For instance, if you got killed by a Djinn on floor 4, there might be a chance for one of the named/boss monsters to be a Djinn named "<random name>, Slayer of <your character's name>". That might not be as interesting as a ghost appearing though, at least in my opinion, but it shouldn't be that hard to implement on the other hand... I don't know though, I like the concept of bone-files quite a bit anyways
When I first started playing Dredmor, I remember encountering a Zomby on floor 1 as a part of a quest...I thought it was something like this haha. I mean, since the description sounds like it.
The balancing would be tricky, of course. Heroes are more powerful than monsters, and a ghost of similar level to you would be much more like Lord Dredmor than even a named monster. And there's always the possibility of facing the ghost of a character who was much luckier with item pickups than you were, or was much more balanced towards short term massive damage than long-term survival.
Perhaps just a skeleton with big bushy eyebrows then. Maybe with some minor variations in their abilities? Basic stuff like dragon's breath, throwing, mushrooms, etc. Not a direct ghost of the previous player, just a silly looking angry skeleton. edit: i just imagined an eyebrowed skeleton morphing into a werediggle skeleton...
Werediggle Skeleton ftw.. if the Devs take any ideas from this thread, it has to be the Bushy Eyebrow Werediggle Skeleton!