I'm having trouble figuring all this out. It's less human readable than the rest of the XML is, so I need some help with this. Here is a spell I'm working on: Code: <spell name="Acid Rain" icon="sprites/skills/acid_rain_32.png" type="targetfloor" mineTimer="10" mineUseGlints="1" mineGlintDensity="20" mineSpritePNGSeries="sprites/sfx/poison_rain/poison_rain" mineSpritePNGFirst="0" mineSpritePNGNum="11" mineSpritePNGRate="100" mine="1" mineradius="3" minePermanent="1" > <effect type="damage" acidic="3" acidicF="0.4" toxic="1" toxicF="0.2" affectscaster="1" /> <description text="OH GOD IT BURNS." /> <requirements mp="20" savvyBonus="0.25" mincost="5" /> </spell> My expectation is that it will create a radius 3 cloud effect (using the rain sprite) that walking into or being in when cast will damage you. What happens is that it seems to create a radius 3 cloud effect that damages you if you're in it when it's cast and looks pretty (well, as pretty as acid rain can be) afterwards.
That was totally it. But good news! Code: <spell name="Fire Barrier" type="template" templateID="21" anchored="1" downtime="28" icon="skills/placeholder32.png" mineTimer="10" mineSpritePNGSeries="sprites/sfx/pyre_loop/pyre_loop" mineSpritePNGFirst="0" mineSpritePNGNum="4" mineSpritePNGRate="100" mine="1" mineradius="1" mineSpriteDrawOrder="1" minePermanent="1" > <description text="An encircling ring of fire."/> <anim sprite="sprites/sfx/fireburst/fireburst" frames="7" framerate="90" sfx="flame" /> <effect type="damage" conflagratory="9" conflagratoryF="0.35" burn="1" affectscaster="1" /> </spell> Template and Mine work together.
Here you go: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AlCkkeUwgmZ3dEpqWmp3ZlV0eE4wY1pIUVJOTy1VTkE