Can someone help me with my mod.

Discussion in 'Modding' started by Sam Tudor, Apr 17, 2013.


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  1. Sam Tudor

    Sam Tudor Member

    Hallo! I've recently started modding Dungeons of Dreadmor, mainly for private use. I've run into a bug with my mod that crashes DoD as soon as you click done for naming your character. Mod vaildator says everything is fine and dandy so please help. Thanks in advance. attached file is mod with all assets.

      <skill name="Royal Blood Line" id="200" type="warrior" description="You think you have ancient royal blood in you other things(mainly diggles)think other wise...">
          <art icon="sprites/Royal_blood.png"/>
        <loadout type="weapon" subtype="Axe That is Over-Powered" always="1" amount="2"/>
    <item name="Axe That is Over-Powered" iconFile="items/axe_rift.png" level="1" type="1" artifact="1">
        <price amount="7440"/>
        <weapon slashing="111"/>
        <artifact quality="66"/>
        <targetHitEffectBuff percentage="100" name="Infernal Torus"/>
        <description text="(deleted for perhaps maybe offending someone)"/>
    <item name="Ring that Gives Magic Power" iconFile="sprites/ring_OP.png">
            <price amount="1600"/>
            <armour level="6" type="ring"/>
            <primarybuff id="2" amount="1"/>
            <secondarybuff id="3" amount="127"/>
            <resistbuff piercing="1"/>
            <description text="(deleted for perhaps maybe offending someone)."/>

    Attached Files:

      File size:
      32.8 KB
  2. Jellp

    Jellp Member

    When I removed "artifact="1"" out of your weapon, I managed to get the game running. Let me try if I can get the game running with artifact="1" in it...

    I tried some stuff but the game does crash when I selected my name.
  3. nivomi

    nivomi Member

    It seems to me that your images you're trying to use are using RGB color. DoD uses Indexed color for items and sprites (but not for skills.) Not having the proper color mode can cause crashes and other fun problems. You can fix this in Photoshop or GIMP (if I recall correctly) via Image > Mode > Indexed on your toolbar. Not so sure about other programs, though.
  4. Alistaire

    Alistaire Member

    I see your problem. You say "<loadout type="weapon" subtype="Axe That is Over-Powered" always="1" amount="2"/>", but loadout adds /stacks/ of the chosen subtype. You can't stack artifacts (or weapons in general), so amount="2" crashes the game, obviously. artifact quality of 66 could give some errors aswell, but I'm not entirely sure.


    Also, your skilltree doesn't have any skills in it. Pretty gamebreaking aswell.