Windows Vista/7 32-bit Cant find Lord Dredmor

Discussion in 'Bugs' started by Kreny, Feb 6, 2012.

  1. Kreny

    Kreny Member

    I have cleared lvl10 and I didnt found Lord Dredmor himself. Maybe he is just hidding in some secret room but I am pretty surre I didnt kill him yet (no archievement at first place). Only one big mess on lvl10 was when I opened ZOO, I sent them Bolt of Squid as a welcome greetings and I doubt Lord could die because of this :)Otherwise I was watching what I am killing :)
    I have RoDG DLC installed but I didnt found any note that he should be somewhere lower so I asume he should be on lvl10.
    Savegame is attached, I plays Steam 1.0.9 Rev B version. I did maybe two Save and Exits during lvl10 so I have two broken uber chests there. Maybe it could be connected?

    edit: Tag should be 64-bit Win

    Attached Files:

  2. Kazeto

    Kazeto Member

    Dredmor is always on the last floor. With RotDG that means you still have 5 levels of potholing left.