Can't see any bars, skills and can't start game

Discussion in 'Bugs' started by Brilligisms, Feb 4, 2012.

  1. Brilligisms

    Brilligisms Member

    Hey, so, I have the DLC, and I thought that I would play this awesome game. Unfortunately, after I choose my seven skills, I can't press anything, or click anything to start the game. I just sit there and can't progress forwards. Also, in the tutorial, I can't see any bars or anything. Be it, health, skills, mana, unless it has a hotkey to open it, I can't see it. The game tells me I can change my keys which might fix it, but I apparently have to beat the tutorials to change my keys, and I can;t beat the tutorials because I can't see anything. Any help so that I can play this game would be greatly appreciated.
  2. Daynab

    Daynab Community Moderator Staff Member

    I assume you're on Steam? try going into properties (of dredmor in your library) and under local content, "verify integrity of game cache". I'd try a reinstall regardless even if it finds nothing.

    If you're not on Steam... reinstall I guess. It sounds like your game got corrupted somewhere along the way.